Chapter 6

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"You okay Donte

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"You okay Donte." Maia asked me.

I look at her then back at Nala why I'm tripping I have a fine woman sitting next to me forget Nala but I ain't gonna lie I got jealous a little okay I do have a crush on her but I don't want to show it imma continue to be mean to her.

"Yeah I'm good." I said licking my lips.

"Good you want to get out of here my parents gone ." She said smiling.

I look her up and down then I look at the gang having fun I saw Nala looking at me.

"Nah let's stay here." I said to her.

"Fine." she said with an attitude.

I don't care if she's mad she just want to have sex and that's all she's starting to really get on my nerves now I mean shit we not even dating she keep acting like that imma end up dropping her ass.

"Man what we doing after this ?" Cane asked us.

"We can go to the beach." Ronnie said smiling holding on to Cane.

"I don't feel like getting sand on me." Maia said.

"I'm not talking to you." Ronnie said with her hand.

Nina , Dana and Nala  just mugged her I don't know what up with them but I will like to know

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Nina , Dana and Nala just mugged her I don't know what up with them but I will like to know .

"What's going on why y'all mugging her?" I asked.

Now everybody was looking at us.

"Yeah what's the problem because y'all been giving me the side eye what's up ?" Maia asked.

"Girl you know what up don't act like you innocent?" Dana said .

"If y'all got something to say then say it." Maia talked loud.

"Pipe it down honey." Nala said laughing.

"I'll say it you a hoe." Ronnie said folding her arms.

I was looking from them arguing with Maia.

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