Taka? Executed? What? - 📚💢 - 💔

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What if Taka got executed instead?

     "T-Taka..?" He mumbled, but loud enough for him to hear. "Hm? Is there something wrong, kyoudai?' The shorter male, who's name is apparently Taka, turned his head to the taller boy. "OF COURSE THERE'S SOMETHIN' WRONG!!" The taller male grabs Taka by his shoulders and starts to shake him vigorously. "WHAT ARE YA' EVEN DOIN'?!! HAVE YA' LOST YER' GOD DAMN MIND??!"

     Taka and the taller male both pause, but Taka sighs seconds later. "It's just.. you don't deserve to die. You've done nothing wrong." "THE HELL DO YA' MEAN?! I LITERALLY KILLED CHIHIRO!!" Taka pauses again. "Yeah, but, you don't deserve to die just like your loved ones did without context. First your father, then your dog, then your own brother. Hmph, what a shame.. It really must suck to be you, huh Mondo?" Mondo looses his grip of Taka's shoulders, his eyes swelling up with tears as blood rushes to his face, now getting pissed off.

Mondo.. punches Kiyotaka.

     It's like this is first time he's ever been so.. angry. To punch his own best friend like that. Taka let's out a cry in pain as he falls to his knees.

     "Oowada!" Kyoko yells out. But, of course, he ignores her. "WHY AND HOW ARE YA' SO GOD DAMN CALM??! YER' ABOUT TO FUCKIN' EXECUTED FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!" He screams as Taka gently rubs his cheek, still on the floor. A string of bright pink blood is running down his nose. Taka responds, his voice weak. "Like I said kyoudai, you don't deserve to die off-" Taka snaps his fingers once. "-just like that. You really don't deserve that." The raven haired boy stands up and dusts himself off.

     Monokuma screeches out with his high-pitched voice. "Ugh! I'm getting booorrreedddd! Let's just get this execution over with already!" Mondo stops. "No.." He grumbles. "NO!" He faces the black and white teddy bear. "I AM NOT LETTING YOU KILL HIM!! JUST PLEASE TAKE ME INSTEAD!!" Oowada cries out while the bear lets out a loud, obnoxious laugh. "Hell no! He wanted me to execute him, and now you want to be executed? Pfft! Like I'll ever do that!" The bear looks around the courtroom full of almost all of the students. Almost all of them. "Weellllll.." He picks up the toy mallet that had been sitting next to him. A bright red button pops out of the right arm of his chair.

     "Now, IT'S PUNISHMENT TIIIIMMMMEEE!!" Monokuma yells out with excitement as he slams the mallet on to the poor, bright red button.

" WAIT!! NO!! PLEASE!!! "

" I'm sorry.. kyoudai. "

Woo! A little fact about this oneshot, I had actually written this little oneshot back in October. Although, I had made some minor changes. But, I'm posting it here now because I had completely forgot about this.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Requests of Taka ships are open! Ask me on Discord, or on here! Do whatever you like!

Lots and lots of love,

506 words

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