22: Guts

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Get-togethers are not unusual for Lilac's circle of friends. Though the public only knew of the guys' close friendship, and was still clueless that their squad is actually a co-ed one, she and the girls prefer it to stay that way. 

She got enough boys being shipped with her already, she doesn't want the shippers going ballistic with the knowledge of her friendly interactions with more male idols. Speaking of male friends...

"Even Enzo and Gun were shocked when Kio volunteered having the Christmas party in his apartment," Rei continued before puckering her lips and applying gloss on them. "They've been friends longer and that was the first time he did that. It was the main reason why everyone became even more excited for tonight."

She has been ready to go for almost half an hour, but this companion of hers is being extra tonight because of a particular person. Now they ended up talking about how the idea of a Christmas party even came to be. She was unfortunately asleep when her friends talked about it in the group chat. When she went online, everything's already set.

"Maybe he's feeling lonely this year," she guessed, thinking of her previous encounters with the boy.

But of course, Reiko would think otherwise. Her best friend rolled her eyes, "oh God, how can I forget? You hate him. Let's just be thankful he's letting us celebrate in his place okay, Li? Enough with the badmouthing."

She groaned, "what? I wasn't badmouthing him or anything, I'm serious! Maybe he's lonely because he just went through a nasty bre—"

Oh no, shut the hell up Lilac!

"Nasty what? Can you say that again?," Rei paused from doing her winged eyeliner as she glanced at her.

Thank God, she wasn't paying attention.

"Nothing," she shrugged, "well, we never know? Maybe he's feeling lonely because he misses his... brother?"

Her best friend scoffed, "just be honest and say you're bashing him again. You are like some anti... why do you even hate him? No wait, why do you even hate each other? It never really made sense to me. To think that many people are actually shipping you two," the girl then laughingly added.

"Can we not talk about that, please?"

In all honesty, she never had any serious problem with the shipping thing. Even when she was still a trainee, her seniors already mentioned that it's a normal thing in being an idol. She also never had any issue with the guys she's being paired up with, other than the awkwardness during the first meeting. They would just laugh it off in the end and proceed to being friends.

So no, the reason why she hated Ki-Ryeong wasn't because of the ship or any petty stuff. Believe it or not, she actually has a valid reason. It happened two years ago, in the midst of their first long hiatus before the release of their third mini album. She and Rei still weren't official members of Gun's circle back then, but tend to already hangout with them—especially the girls—from time to time.

One night, the said guy called to ask them to come over because he was with some of his friends. She still can remember the faint noises in the background while Gun excitedly tried to convince her to come with Rei.




Four years ago

"We're gonna be complete tonight! This rarely happens. I can finally introduce the both of you to everyone. After this, you'll be official members the '97-line," he exclaimed from the other line, referring to the year of their births. Yes, they all are the same age that's why they banded together.

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