39: Warn

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"You look better these days," Hei-won observed as they both tried to catch their breaths. They just finished practicing the choreo for RAVN's upcoming comeback, and the group—as well as their crew—are now cooling down before they all go home.

"Of course he is! Our boy is in love," Asher wiggled his eyebrows and teased in a sing-song voice.

Kio chuckled, shaking his head while wiping his sweaty neck and arms. He took his shirt off and leaned back, his weight being supported by his arms. "Stop worrying about me, Hei. I'm doing well, seriously," he looked at the other older members, reassuring them all.

Yohan smiled, "we can see that. We're happy for you."

He smiled back in gratitude, his chest filled with pleasurable warmth. It's been a week since Lilac left for China, but despite the distance, their feelings never wavered. They consistently found time to talk every night, either through video or audio call.

God, he's beyond happy. The past days were like a daydream. The nightmares disappeared, and his past has become a long-forgotten memory. It's like his demons got wiped out and his broken pieces got glued together. There are no lingering worries anymore. 

It was as if Aera's words were the key, and Lilac giving him a chance was the lock getting undone and him being completely free. When he said his girlfriend is his salvation, he wasn't the least bit joking.

The others left one-by-one till it was only him and Asher. He felt rather lazy after tonight's practice, and took his time to change into a new shirt and organize his stuff.

"You coming, Kio?," his remaining companion asked, already carrying his bag and holding the door open.

"You should go first. I'll rest a little longer."

The older guy shrugged, "okay, drive safely. See you tomorrow," he saluted before leaving.

He sighed, stretched his arms and legs a bit and finally stood up, phone in hand. A smile automatically brightened his face, seeing a message notification from his girl.

From: My Brightest Star
The thing I miss—second—most about SK is the food... of course, right after you! I might go online later than usual, but I'll try to call when we take a 10-min break. I love you, my Ki-Ryeong xx

Just to tease his girl, he decided to stop by Hongdae and buy some street food—something to taunt her with once she calls. Maybe he can tempt her and convince her to come home earlier? Hmm... good planning, Ki-Ryeong.

It's been a while since he visited the place. The bustling commercial street had been his reprieve whenever he's stressed, or when he had some free time to take a walk outside and enjoy the night. It's not a secret that he's fond of the place, many of his fans have spotted him there already, and he was even photographed more than once.

Strolling through the familiar paved walkway felt nostalgic. His usual all-black get-up mixing well with the other pedestrians, even with his baseball cap and mask, he doesn't look out of place.

He paused, hearing a busker singing a familiar tune. He can't help but smile and sing along his group's own song; 'The Tale of Smeraldo.'

While muttering the lines, he glanced around and his eyes abruptly stopped at a newspaper stand in front of one of the stores. He was compelled by the headline on the single piece of tabloid left in the stand. Once close enough, he stopped and adjusted his cap so he could read the print clearer.

Petition for K4RMA Disbandment Initiated by RAVN Fans Trended Worldwide

The chaos online is something he can't ignore forever, he's aware, but he's too caught up by the bliss to even bother posting his own statement. Seeing the current news, he reminded himself to talk with the chief tomorrow and ask his permission.

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