Part 5-Keefe's POV

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Keefe knew what she was doing. She was sharing her fears to alleviate his discomfort at opening up to her. His heart warmed at the thought, and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer to him.

But he knew how hard this must be for her. He pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her.

"Sh. You don't have to do this."

"I want to," she whispered against his finger, her breath tickling his skin. He started to shake his head, but caught her eyes. The pure sincerity and determination reflected in them made him pull his hand back without a second thought.

Sophie's gaze fell onto her lap. She fumbled with the sleeve of her tunic.

"It usually starts with all of us doing something together. But I hear a voice. Gethen's voice. It's all around me, and he's saying whether we actually thought we could defeat them that easily. I'll look around, and find that we're all Ancient and still fighting the Neverseen. But the worst part is when..."

Sophie was trembling by then, and Keefe tightened his hold on her. He tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"Hey, it's alright. We've defeated them. They're never coming back."

Sophie nodded weakly, though she didn't look convinced. Keefe felt a lump form in his throat as Sophie's eyes turned glassy. She swallowed and tried again.

"Usually, when I realise we're Ancient, I wake up. But sometimes..."

Keefe didn't know if it was the right move to let her continue. But he wanted to know the reason behind Sophie's distress. He felt anger surge in him at whatever was causing her such pain.

"Sometimes?" he prompted softly.

But she shook her head and looked away.

Keefe's brows pulled down in thought. It didn't seem to be about the Neverseen anymore, for she hadn't reacted as strongly during the first part of her nightmare. Sophie wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. He bit his lip, thinking hard as he felt the fear and panic from Sophie crash onto him in waves. It was only when she buried her face into the crook of his neck that it hit him. His blood ran cold.

"Foster...Is it about me leaving?"

He knew he was right by the way Sophie stilled. He pulled back slightly to look at her.

She nodded once.

The lump in Keefe's throat gave a painful throb, but he swallowed slowly, forcing his emotions back down. He needed to focus on being there for her at the moment, and his emotions really weren't helping. He took both of her hands in his.

"I'm sorry I left, Sophie. I had no other way of keeping you safe. I would've stayed if I could. But I had to protect you from my mom, and the only way to do that was to leave."

Sophie lowered her eyes. "I understand. I'm fine, Keefe." She didn't look very fine, though. She looked as though all the fight in her had left her, and it broke his heart. Keefe swallowed hard, leaning closer.

"I had to. You know I had to."

A small sob escaped Sophie's lips. "I know. It was the right choice. But that didn't make it any less easy."

Keefe's eyes stung, and he blinked back his tears. He leaned closer to her, needing to feel her warmth. Desperation filled in him, and he tried again.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know how I did it and how I survived, but I want you to know that I barely survived being without you. I know it must've been a thousand times harder for you than it was for me, but I want you to know that it was hard for me too. I keep saying that I won't leave and keep doing the exact opposite, but I won't ever leave your side again—even when you get so sick of me that you'll want me to leave yourself."

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