𝟷. 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 !

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vvvenus has tweeted !

venus @ vvvenus
love or host stream in a moment , get ready people !

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user12 @ user12
cant wait !!

user14 @ user14
she's just doing it for clout 🙄
user12 @ user12
aw whats wrong sad you got no mans ? boohoo

user2 @ user2
who's love or host is it ?
user4 @ user4
i think it's quackitys
user8 @ user8
big q's loh

venus set down her phone on the table, getting ready for the stream. every now and then her phone would make a ping sound, notifying that one of her followers had replied to her tweet. she isn't that famous, she'd say. her follower count was nothing like quackity's. but she didn't really care. she enjoys what she does, and thats enough for her.

a few days ago austin had messaged her on twitter, asking if she was interested in being a part of a love or host. she was old enough, so she thought why not. when she agreed, austin had asked her to pick love or host.

now, this she took her time to answer. venus wasn't known to be a host person. she'd much rather chosen love, just to not break quackity's heart. but when she thought further, she figured she wouldn't stand a chance at winning. so she did what anyone who didn't want to be embarrassed would do. she picked host.

now, here she was, getting ready to join the link that austin had shared with her.

"and that's everyone!" austin exclaimed. "oh fuck am i the last one here?" venus asked, embarassed. the others only laughed in response, causing her to break out in a smile as well. "dont worry, you're not late." quackity told her. "streaming in 3, 2, 1!" austins voice boomed.

this is gonna be a ride, she thought.


"a kid comes up to you and kicks you in the shin, what would you do?"

now, venus was on the edge of her seat. there were only three people left, and she did not expect to go this far. in all honesty, the excitement rushed through her viens, but she felt quite guilty about her choice to pick host.

"nina, go."

"hm, even though it hurts, violence is not an option because i will be killed by my mother if i do punch a child." they laughed at nina's response. venus enjoyed her, her humour was just as broken as hers was and she wasn't awkward at all.

"minx, you're next."

"fucking drop kick that minor, bitch." she said, deadpanned. "minx, no." venus chuckled under her breath, scared at her friend's answer. they were good friends, having known each other in the twitch community, but they weren't that close.

"okay, venus. you're the last one."

"hm," venus hummed to show that she was thinking. to be honest, she wouldn't know what to do if a child kicked her. i mean, things like that don't really happen on a daily basis here in england. "i think," she paused. "i'd give him drugs."

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