Chap 13

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(A/N: Hi my Suger Buns, how are you doing? I feel kind of bad because 20- 25 people read my book but only 7 out of 20-25 people vote... Please tell me what I can fix... I will feel happy if you guys vote thank you very much for your support... I am very thankful for the votes I have received... Please share this book with your close friends and leave comments on what you think about the story. Ok, let's get to the story... (^O^) )  

Still Suga's pov: 

Will, they even believe that Y/N threw 2 strong men 10 feet in the air? I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. So I sat up and the boys took their seats, by looking at here faces I could see that they wanted an explanation. 

"Ok what happened? Why is Y/N so weak and pale?" J-Hope asked. 

"I don't even know how to explain everything is... is... weird..." I could not even explain myself. 

"Just say it cat oh nono sorry just say it Suga," Jimin said. I gave him a death look and took a deep breath and started. 

"Well, what happened was that... Well, I took Y/N out to the... Lucky lake-" I could not finish my sentence because Jin interrupted. 

"You what?! You went to another territory?!" Jin yelled. 

"Well as if no one broke the rule before, let me just tell you what happened already stop interrupting me!" I defended myself. 

"Ok ok, go on with what happened," Namjoon said calmly. 

"Ok I took her to the Lucky Lake but Kai and D.O saw us, they said something bad about Y/N I could not control myself and I tried to beat them up but I could not because they were two people. Y/N tried to save me but then they pushed her, suddenly I don't know what happened to her she said: 'Get away from Suga' and then she said it again even louder, her fracking eyes were golden red and the two men flew up in the are! like ten feet and then she flicked her finger and the boys dropped in the water. Then she fainted" I said trying to make them understand. The boys were in shock by their looks. 

"She did what?!" Taehyung asked shocked. 

"Yesss, she threw the men up in the air," I said. 

"But how?... How could she do that she does not have powers?" Jimin said. 

"But... What is she does..." Namjoon said looking at us with a serious face. 

"Well, we have to look more into it..." Jin said. 

"What color were her eyes again?" Namjoon asked. 

"It was Golden red," I said. 

"Well that is not a normal color," Namjoon said. 

"Aaand we also have to drink blood today..." Jungkook said. 

"Yh we will do that when she wakes up," J-Hope said getting up. 

"Taehyung, Jimin stay with her and when she wakes up ask if she remembers anything. If she does bring her to me if she does not remember anything don't remind her anything." Namjoon ordered. Taehyung and Jimin nodded their head as they walked up to Y/N's room. 

End of Suga's pov 

3rd person's pov: 

 As BTS had their meeting about Y/N, someone watched and heard what they were talking about from the window. The person was... 

End of 3rd persons pov 

I.N's (from Stray Kids) pov: 

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