Chap 23

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(A/N: Hi my Suger Buns, how are you doing? I will feel happy if you guys vote thank you very much for your support... I am very thankful for the votes I have received... Please share this book with your close friends and leave comments on what you think about the story.

Thank you so much for 1k Readssssss 😘🎷🎺🎷 

Thank you so much for 1k Readssssss 😘🎷🎺🎷 

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Ok, let's get to the story... (^O^) )

(Still, 3rd person's pov) 

"I-I lOvE y-YoU T-tO," Y/N said as he was fucked hard to her core and she could not speak properly. Suga uses his thumb to rub Y/N's cheek, Y/N shivers as it was cold in the room and Suga's cold hands made her colder. Suga noticed and pulled a thick blanket over both of them, Y/N automatically warped her hands around Suga and they both dozed off...

^﹏^10 mins later^﹏^ 

As both Suga and Y/N are in dreamland cuddling and peacefully sleeping, the door slowly opens and Jin walks in as sees the mess and you know what Jin does, he does the 'JIN' job. 

"YAHHHHHHH!!! YOU MOTHERFUCKING UNHOLY CHILDREN!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO SUGA?!?!?! WHAT IS THIS Y/N!?!?!?" Jin continues to curse and run around the room like he got a bug on him, he runs up to the bed and yeeeeets the bracket off of them in tension only to realize that they are naked and throws it back on them to cover them up. 

"Did Suga kill someone!" J-Hope yells running to Y/N's bedroom, only to see the shock in Y/N's face and baby Suga sleeping. Soon all the boys are in the room, looking at Suga and Y/N on the bed naked. 

"Ok, Jin stop relax... deep breaths..." Jimin said trying to calm Jin and as soon as Jin calmed down all the attention moved to Y/N and Suga who was sleeping. 

"Ok, if he is still sleeping after all of this... He must be dead or he must have a curse..." Y/N said shaking Suga so he can wake up. 

"He has a curse," Namjoon said. 

"What? When? How? Why?" Y/N fills questions. 

"I will tell you during dinner," Namjoon said. 

End of 3rd person's pov: 

Y/N's pov: 

"Okie," I said. 

"Who is going to wake him up?" I ask looking down at him. 

"Leave that to me," Jungkook said cracking his knuckles and walking toward sleeping Suga, he bends down and quickly twists Suga's nipples. 

"FUCKKKKKK!" Suga yells in pain as he gets up, Jungkook just points at me as in motion that I did it. 

"What?! No, I did not do it," I defend myself. 

"I know, IT IS THAT SON OF A BITCH!" Suga yells he grabs the blanket that was covering both of us and wraps it around his waist as he runs after Jungkook around the room. 

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