Chap 21

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(A/N: Hi my Suger Buns, how are you doing? I will feel happy if you guys vote thank you very much for your support... I am very thankful for the votes I have received... Please share this book with your close friends and leave comments on what you think about the story. Ok, let's get to the story... (^O^) ) 

(Still, Y/N's pov) 

"Wow that is crazy," I said as I entered. I closed the boor slowly and turned around to find the boys sitting on the couch with seriously angry faces...... 'Shit, I am fucked up...' I said to myself inside my head. 

"Where did you go Y/N?" Namjoon asked, he surprisingly looked kind of calm but he was scary at the same time. 

"U-um h-hi, I am sorry," I looked down. 

"I did not ask for your apology I asked 'Where did you go to?'" Namjoon asks again but this time grinding his teeth in anger, 'Should I tell them? No no, they will fucking kill me if I said I went out with Chan'. 

"U-um, I... Umm..." I could not think of the word I was too scared of their faces starting in, at, and through my soul. I felt a shiver go down my spine. 

"ANSWER!" Namjoon yelled I flinch and I took a few steps back I could feel tears rolling down my eyes, I saw J-Hope lean in and whisper something in Namjoon's ear, but Namjoon just shook his head. 

"Tell!" Namjoon yelled. 

"I-I went out for f-fresh air," I said. 

"You are lying," Jin said. 

"N-no I am not," I said, 'fuck Y/N stop stuttering'. 

"Even if you are saying the truth, you not allowed to go out of the house without one of us," Jimin said. I looked down, I heard footsteps so I looked up again. Jungkook walks closer to me, soon he was very close I took a few steps backward and hit the wall. Jungkook pinned me to the wall and moved his face closer to my face and stoped a few centimeters apart, he gave me a smirk and moved in a took a long sniff of me. Suddenly he backed off with his eyes wide open. 

"WHO WERE YOU WITH!?" he yelled at me. 

"What the fuck?!" Taehyung questioned Jungkook. 

"What do you mean?" Suga asked. 

"S-she smells like somebody else," Jungkook said pointing at me, 'Ok, shit now I am really dead'. 

"W-what do you mean Jungkook? I-I was not with anybody," I tried to hide everything. Namjoon walked over and smelled me. 

"No, back off! Can't you just smell me from far off?" I ask. Namjoon just ignored my question. 

"She also smells like cherry blossom..." Namjoon spoke. 

"Impossible, it is so far away how could she have found the way back here?" J-Hope said stepping in. 

"Who were you with?" Jin asked with a serious face. 

"If I tell you, then you guys will be mad at me," I said with a pout face. 

"Just tell us," Suga said annoyed by my behavior. 

"I was with Chen..." I said, silence filled the room. 

End of Y/N's pov 

Namjoon's pov: 

Breakfast was ready so Jin told me to go up and get Y/N, I nodded my head and went upstairs to her room. I knocked on the door but there was no answer I slowly opened the door and walked in but Y/N was not there. The first thing that came to mind was that she was hiding and wants to play hid and seek. 

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