Chapter 2

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Before y'all begin this chapter I have to let y'all know PLEASE READ THE LAST PART if you haven't or else you're going to be very confused and will not understand any of this story so please read it if you haven't or you won't understand this story, now y'all can continue reading this chapter.
I felt the nice warm tingling rays of sun seeping through the curtains in my room, meaning it was now morning again.

A week had already passed of me living in this nightmare. After three days of me being here I realized I was living the same day over and over again. This day being May 10, 1994. I had no idea how or why I was here reliving this day in this specific year.

I was starving and in desperate need of blood, so I went to check if there were any blood bags but was met with disappointment when I realized I had finished them all as well as most of Damon's bourbon. This meant I had to go to mystic falls hospital blood bank and stop by the store to get more bourbon as well as other things I need.

I went back upstairs to my room and I picked out a red satin dress that nicely hugged my curves for me to wear along with a pair of black heels.

"To bad no ones here to see how hot you look", "Oh great your talking to yourself again, let's just wait and see how long it takes you to go crazy, actually never mind you already are" I said to myself winking at my reflection in the mirror.

I'd been talking to myself a lot lately since I had no one other than myself to talk to which was actually really depressing if you think about it.

I walked downstairs and out the door so I could go get myself some blood and more liquor as well as food, since those are the only things I really need to survive this hell.

After running my errands I came back home to drown myself in alcohol and blood while I dance on my kitchen table in lingerie, like I'd been doing for the past few days to keep myself entertained. Figuring Damon isn't here to yell at me for doing whatever the hell I want.

"Now which one do we want to wear, white or black" I asked myself staring down at my two options of lingerie sets to wear.

I ended up choosing my laced black one with diamond straps and a garter belt. I then put on some black thigh high boots and a white long sleeve button up dressing shirt over it, except the shirt wasn't buttoned up revealing my black lingerie set.

"Too bad Klaus isn't here to see this" I smirked while walking down the stairs remembering all of the nights Klaus and I would spend together that always ended up in ripped clothes spread throughout the bedroom floor. It made me miss him.

I quickly got rid of those thoughts as I put a random d.v.d. I'd found laying around into the d.v.d. player turning the music all the way up and grabbing my bourbon bottle in the process.

I jumped up on the kitchen table still holding my bottle of bourbon. I then started to dance on the table while downing my bourbon and a blood bag as well.

A bottle of bourbon soon turned into seven and me being drunk laying down on the kitchen table talking to myself like a crazy alcoholic person.

"How many bottles of bourbon have I even drank" I asked myself while laughing holding onto my now eighth bottle of bourbon which was half done already.

I soon passed out on the kitchen table only to be awoken by the sound of humming coming from a gorgeous boy with blue eyes and brown hair who was staring down at me looking as if he'd been waiting for me to wake up.

I rapidly began to blink my eyes thinking I was hallucinating until I sat up with my feet dangling off the kitchen table, I leaned forward and poked the boy on the cheek "Wow Im so damn lonely I'm already starting to imagine hot guys".

 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒆| 𝘒𝘢𝘪 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now