A wounded Robin

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The coming weeks Jon and Damian spent sneaking around. Meeting in school or on patrol and kissing and touching whenever they could. They had almost gotten caught when they had hid in a broom closet during lunch, Jon sucking Damian off. And one time on patrol Jason had almost found them while they were making out. It was fun sneaking around but it got harder to keep their relationship a secret. Not only because their families noticed they were gone more often and the change in their demeanor but also because Jon had lost control more and more often, leaving bruises on Damian. He had almost fractured a rib and he had made Damian pull a muscle in his ass. Because of all the bruises Damian thought it a bit harder to move and fight when on patrol. They were very careful not to leave any marks above the neck line and Damian started to change in his room instead of the changing area in the batcave. He wore clothes that covered him and he tried to avoid hugs but that wasn't different from before. He wasn't sure Jon knew how many bruises he had left, because Damian hid them from him as well. He didn't want Jon to worry and they didn't bother him all that much. He spent his entire childhood covered in black and blue bruises.

Some people in school had noticed the change in Jon's demeanor and had deduced that he had a girlfriend. He hadn't corrected them and instead referred to Damian as his partner. Not that anyone knew it was Damian he was talking about. He himself didn't have any real friends except from Jon and his mood hadn't changed that much in school but at home he thought that Dick had noticed something was different because he kept on asking lots of questions. Like at the moment he was interrogating Damian about his day over the intercom.

" So Robin how was school today?"

"Focus Nightwing."

"There is nothing to focus on, the city is quiet, so, make any new friends?"


" Robin, Incoming in your sector, Looks like one of Two -face's goons, take him down. Batman out."

Damian used his grappling hook and swung to the location Batman had sent him, he soon got eyes on the goon. He swung in front of him and dropped down spreading his cape making it look like bat wings.

"This is as far as you go." He said in a menacing voice then the goon charged at him. Robin ducked his punches and avoided his kicks but then got caught with a punch to his ribs where Jon the day before had bruised him gripping him too hard. Damian yelled in agony as he stumbled to the side. The goon kept on running but Damian shot his taser at him, hitting him in the back knocking him out. Damian sat, or more fell, down against the wall in the alley he held his ribcage finding it painful to breathe.

"Robin report"

"He is...uuhhh down."

"Robin are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. Robin out." He found it a bit difficult to speak as every breath he took shot pain through his body. He soon heard the sirens of the GCPD and knew it was time to go but as he tried to stand up he only fell back down in more pain making him black out.

Commissioner Gordon soon came walking down the alley and as he saw Robin sitting against the wall he told his men to stay back as he ran up to him.

"Robin are you alright?" He saw that he was unconscious and quickly called up Batman.


" Missing something? I've got Robin here and he doesn't look too good."

" I'm on my way." Soon the Batmobile sped up next to the police and Batman jumped out, walking through the police that were apprehending the goon Robin had taken down. Batman walked into the alley seeing Robin barely conscious as he sat against the wall. Batman kneeled next to him. "Robin." He only got a pained moan in return and he took him in his arms and carried him to the Batmobile. Gordon looked as Batman placed the unconscious Robin in the car and then hopped in himself speeding away.

Haven't felt like this, well, ever (A DamiJon fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now