Good morning, Jisoo

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Chaeyoung loves morning.

She wants to thank the Gods for giving this angel in disguise.

She was just so beautiful, and of course, Chaeyoung will tell that to the person beside her, but the thing is. That person is not awake yet.

She didn't even need to try, with her pink lips parted slight as light snores slipped through and eyelids closed so peacefully, making her dark lashes caress the thin skin under her eyes.

Chaeyoung loves this.

Small rays of sunlight peeked through the binds and created a pattern on their shared blanket.

Her eyes threw a quick glance at the alarm clock on their bedside table.

"Hmm... I still have ten minutes to cuddle with you," She whispered at the brunette, then hummed happily and roamed her eyes around their own shared bedroom.

They just moved in here yesterday and immediately unpacked the boxes. A chuckle escaped on Chaeyoung's lips when both of them got a small argument about what to decor around the house. In the end, the two couple ended up deciding placing their wedding picture in the living room along with Chaeyoung's Fish, Joohwang.

Chaeyoung's thoughts were abruptly stopped when a familiar calming anime song starts to play on someone's phone. It was the alarm they used to wake up during their college days.

A soft sigh escaped from the blonde's lips and reached over, across the brunette's sleeping form and grabbed her wife's phone off the side table.

She turns off the alarm and glances at her wife, her elbow supporting her when she did.

"Jisoo," She whispered and gently pressed her forefinger on the brunette's cheeks. The brunette, however, is not responding like a log.

"Wake up, Jisoo," She tries again and this time, she kissed the brunette's temple while stroking her dark hair locks away from her eyes.

A small giggle escaped from the blonde's lips when she saw her wife's brows are slowly furrowing as if she didn't want to wake up yet, but Chaeyoung only ignored it, and giggled at the cute facial expression that the brunette is making. She starts to place small kisses on the brunette's face, at the corner of her lips, at her cheeks, near her eyes, and finally, on her nose.

No response.

Chaeyoung huffed, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at her wife. She wasted a minute to only stare at her wife. A smirk finally escaped on her lips when she sees her wife, finally opening her eyes.

"Ah, Why did you stop?" She asks in a raspy voice and whined, thick of sleep, and that chocolate eyes meeting hers.

"Good morning," She greets at her wife.

The brunette mumbled something inaudible to the blonde.


"I said," She whispered, "I love you."

She mumbles, a beaming smile flashed on her lips.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but to get flustered by her other significant. Seeing the flustered Chaeyoung, Jisoo gins, wraps her arms around Chaeyoung's neck and pulls her down on top of her.

"This is how I want to start my morning," JIsoo whispered against Chaeyoung's cheek, and Chaeyoung could just continue to kiss her, but the words makes her feel like in cloud nine, her heart is thumping erratically in her chest.

She kisses Jisoo, hard and urgent, and gently shoves her off.

"Hold on- I," She looks at Jisoo's confused orbs, but she broke it off and scrambled her way to their shared closet.

"Is everything alright?" She hears Jisoo's worried voice, "I swear I didn't eat your secret food stash, ba-"

"No, It's alright, baby. I just-" A smile starts to flash on her face and hid the tiny velvet box on her palms.

She looks back at her other significant, a grin starts to flash, then runs back to Jisoo as fast as she can. Jisoo is looking at her with worried chocolate eyes, but Chaeyoung only sits right where she left her.

"Listen," She breathes out, looking straightly at her wife's chocolate orbs, "I know you don't like it when I brought you gifts, but I really want you to have this," She sees Jisoo's eyes grow wide when she pulls out the tiny velvet box on her palms.

She feels her breath are being shaky, but she continues with a smile, "Remember when we were sightseeing on the New Zealand and you were talking about this ring you want to have?" Jisoo nods, remembering their time on New Zealand.

"I remember your face almost kissing on the floor though," She chuckles at the memory, and Chaeyoung could only whined at her lover.

Her eyes widens in surprise and realization, "Don't tell me you lied about having business trips just to buy that ring?"

"Not really. I do have some business there, but you know..." She trails off, scratching her nape in a sudden embarrassment, "Can't I just spoil my baby girl?" She says as she took out the ring that she has been hiding for months from Jisoo.

"I love you too," She says, looking deeply at her lover's eyes.

Jisoo was speechless, only staring at her lover as Chaeyoung took the ring out from the velvet box and slipped it to her finger.

Chaeyoung gave her one last smile before nuzzling her face into Jisoo's chest. She feels Jisoo pulling her close and Chaeyoung couldn't help, but to sigh against her.

She loves this. The sun is warm, but Chaeyoung could feel her cheeks are more warm. She could hear the birds chirping outside from their window and she could hear Jisoo's heartbeat as well. Her favorite sound.

Chaeyoung feels her move beneath her, and then Jisoo's lips found itself pressing  against Chaeyoung's forehead earning a giggle from the blonde.

"Thank you, Love." She whispers.




Jisoo is Chaeyoung's home.

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