Jisoo is working

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Chaeyoung is visiting

There was a soft knock coming from the door, but Jisoo has no plans on answering that. She was too engrossed on the papers pilled up in front of her.

"Miss Kim, you have a visitor." She hears her secretary, Joy.

Jisoo raises one of her eyebrow. Placing down the papers on the side, and stood up from her chair. She was not expecting someone in this moment and certainly, she didn't expect a certain blonde to dropped by either.

"You may leave us now, Miss Park," Jisoo gave a brief smile at her secretary and Joy immediately nod her head, taking her leave away from the office. Leaving the duo behind the close door.

There was a moment of silence between them and Jisoo stared at her wife, both of her hands were behind her, indicating that she was hiding something and Jisoo could not help, but to wonder. She wanted to ask, but she choose to wait for her.

Chaeyoung flashed her a toothy grin before revealing what's behind her. Gosh, she looks like a child who's got candies in her small squash bag in Jisoo's eyes. Jisoo widened her eyes in surprise at what her wife have revealed, it was Chaeyoung's homemade lunch that Chaeyoung used to make for her back in college.

"I got us lunch!" She says, happiness is evident on her voice.

Jisoo couldn't help but to break a smile at her wife. They rarely had lunch together these days, and even if they had lunch together. It's always going out together on the outside/ They didn't mind tho. Chaeyoung furrowed her brows together as she narrows her eyes, "I knew you were going to skip your lunch today, so I dropped by."

"Right on time. I'm hungry," Jisoo says, leaning closer to plant a small peck on Chaeyoung's lips, but the pecking session was soon turned into a  small hot make out when the blonde held her closer by her collar.

After a minute of eating each other's face, the married couple broke their make out session. Jisoo couldn't help, but to flash a grin as she saw the blonde turning into beet red. Flustered Chaeyoung is so cute on the brunette's eyes.

"Ahh, look at you. You're getting shy," Jisoo teased.

"Shut up, Mango," The disgusted face Jisoo made was enough for Chaeyoung to burst into laughter.

Soon, the two starts to settle. Jisoo starts to help the blonde plating their lunch on Jisoo's coffee table. Dakgangjeong, Gimbap, and some Herbal tea that Jisoo loves. Both of them sat side by side, with a contented sigh and a contented smile prominent on their facial features.

"Thank you for the food,"

"Thank you for the food."

In instinct, Jisoo took Chaeyoung's small plate to her hands and start to fill it up with Gimbap and Dakgangjeong. She gave it to the blonde with a smile before proceeding hers. Chaeyoung, on the other hand took a recycle paper cups and poured some herbal tea.

Both of them start to dig in while talking about how their day went on their own office. It was just their usual talk, after talking about how their day went. They would go into some random talk like if Jisoo cleans the vacuum cleaner, is she also considered an vacuum cleaner? Normally, Chaeyoung would slap the brunette's shoulder gently and call her out for being a silly. She would laugh at Jisoo's little jokes and even though it'll get corny sometimes.

After eating and talking about random things. Jisoo initiates to clean up their mess and let the blonde rest on the couch. She knows the blonde is physically tired and she really appreciates it for coming over. If it weren't for Chaeyoung, Jisoo would be working right now with empty stomach.

"Do you want me to drive you to your work place?" Jisoo asks, throwing out the plastics on the trashbin.

"It's okay, Soo. I can just take the taxi," The blonde flashes a small smile, "Plus, you have tons of work piling on your desk. I don't want to bother you more."

Jisoo furrowed her brows together. Chaeyoung was not a bother to her. She walks towards her work desk to get some wet wipes before giving it to the blonde, "Here. Clean your fingers..." She trails off and bends down as she reach out the blonde's cheek and plants a soft kiss on the blonde's forehead.

"Let me drive you. I won't take no for an answer. Let's go," She says, moving past Chaeyoung to take her coat and offered her hand.

Chaeyoung bit her lip to hold back her smile and held her hand, "Okay."

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