Jisoo farts farts farts

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Farts Farts Farts

Chaeyoung furrows both of her eyebrows when she feels the brunette, Jisoo, beside her shifted uncomfortably. Jisoo has been shifting a lot times the moment they entered the hospital and at first, Chaeyoung thought maybe the brunette just couldn't find a comfortable seat, but later on that it is more than just a comfortable seat.

"Are you okay, Soo?" She asks, couldn't help it anymore.

Jisoo shoots her a half shocked look, as if she was taken aback when Chaeyoung asked her what's wrong.

"I'm okay, Chae." Jisoo replies after a long pause.

Jisoo flashes her reassuring smile at Chaeyoung, but Chaeyoung didn't buy it. For her, it was not a reassuring smile. More like a nervous one and Chaeyoung is curious why Jisoo is acting strange. Chaeyoung decides to not ask any further and decides to wait for the brunette to speak up patiently.

Jisoo and she were currently at Hongdae Hospital for Jisoo's medical check-up. Apparently, the brunette has been feeling unwell, because of work, and ever since Chaeyoung noticed something is not right on Jisoo. She immediately suggested going to the hospital for a checkup which results in Jisoo declining it up at first, but later on agreed when she sees Chaeyoung has no room for rejection.

A sudden loud wail echoed on the hallway brought Chaeyoung to reality. She glances at her side only to find Jisoo looked like a child who's scared after hearing the loud wailing coming from the doctor's room.

Chaeyoung reaches out Jisoo's hand on hers which results the brunette to flinch. Chaeyoung gave a gentle squeeze which earned Jisoo's attention to her.

"It'll be alright, okay? It'll be fine." Chaeyoung murmurs under her breath as she flashes a gentle smile on her wife.

Chaeyoung smiles in victory when she feels Jisoo slowly relaxing on her touch and places her head on the blonde's shoulder.

"I'm not good with needles." Jisoo whispers after a long comfortable silence between them.

Chaeyoung blinks at the sudden confession and was about to distance herself away from Jisoo, but got stopped when she felt Jisoo shaking her head at her.

"I didn't tell you, because I know you'll get more worried."

"Well, you, not telling me anything is making me more worried. You should've told me, Jisoo." Chaeyoung replied, sounding serious.

"I know," Jisoo lets out a shaky breath before swallowing the lump forming on her throat.

"Sorry." She murmurs, pursing her lips together and looking down at her fidgeted fingers.

Chaeyoung gazes at her wife for a moment before sighing down and reaches out to hug her wife. Jisoo immediately leans her back at her wife, almost relaxing at Chaeyoung's touch.

"We're you acting tough when you got into the hospital on our first date?" Chaeyoung murmurs, reminiscing their first date.

"What can I say? I wanted to impress you." Jisoo giggles, but later on winces when Chaeyoung pouts at her and pinches her side a little bit hard.

"Still, you should have told me. I was worried."

"I know. I'm sorry,"

"On a second thought, I really thought you were really holding your fart that time," Chaeyoung comments after a not so long pause silence between them.

"Hey!" Jisoo argues back, distancing herself away from Chaeyoung's touch.

"It's true. I really thought you were holding your fart that time, so I gave you space. Though, I really don't mind you farting on our first date so suddenly." Chaeyoung smirks.

"Ugh, you're so disgusting, Chae."

"Everyone farts, Soo."


"I mean, I'm clearly sure I heard you farted two times on our second date secretly."

"You're saying that as if I didn't hear you fart three times on our third date,"

"Well, at least I didn't deny it... unlike you,"

"I'm pretty sure whoever farts on their first date thinks they don't have a chance to have a second date anymore."

"Well, I proved you wrong didn't I?"

Jisoo raises her eyebrow, "Prove me what?"

Chaeyoung winks, "That you won't have a second date if you fart on your first date."

"I didn't fart!" Jisoo argues back, narrowing her eyes in annoyance at her lover.

"You did!" Chaeyoung accuses and suppresses her laughter.

"Ugh! Why are we talking about farts in the first place?"

"Well...because everyone farts?"

"You're so disgusting."

"You love this disgusting person." Chaeyoung points at herself with a smirk in victory.

Jisoo rolls her eyes at her lover before biting her bottom lip to suppress her smile. The anxiety that was filling up in her body whenever she thought of needles sticking right into her skin was slowly crumbling and slipping away from her thoughts although not all of them.

The duo were still bickering about farts in their seats and Jisoo could feel the weird stares coming from the people who passed by them, because who would talk farts loudly in their seats in the first place?

Apparently, Chaeyoung does talk about farts without shame.

The two stopped their small bickering about farts when a woman with white overalls came to them with a polite smile plastered all over her lips.

"Are you Ms. Kim?"

Jisoo shifts her gaze at Chaeyoung at the thought of the needles sticking right into her skin.

"Yes she is. Is Ms. Chou waiting for us?"

"Uh, yes, Ms. Chou is waiting for the patient. Please let me guide you both to the doctor's room."

Chaeyoung nods slowly before shifting her gaze away from the nurse to Jisoo. She smiles at her lover before reaching out and sending out a gentle squeeze to both of Jisoo's hands.

"You can do this okay? I'll be there on your side." Chaeyoung whispered sincerely at her lover.

Jisoo quivered a pout at Chaeyoung, feeling suddenly overwhelmed by the actions.

The anxiety was still present inside her. However, ever since Chaeyoung starts talking about farts, reminiscing their first date, and holding her hands as if she was the only person Chaeyoung sees has made her a little bit calm to face the needles.

It's amazing Chaeyoung has the power to make Jisoo feel this way.

Chaeyoung makes Jisoo braver.

"Thank you, Chae."

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