04~ Spencer

885 16 5

TW: none really

Word Count: 875

Date: Thursday January 21, 2021 12:04 am

A/N: I have been informed by someone (you know who you are) that I have been spelling Cristina's name in correctly.


"With languages, you are at home anywhere."

- Edmund De Waal

Every day Lexie and I would spend as much time as we could together. We talked and laughed together for hours, and I think it's because we understood each other. We understood each other's pain and loss and we made each other feel better.

I smiled when she laughed, and that's something I haven't done since, well since Maeve.

It's been years since Maeve, and I don't think I will truly ever get over her death, she was my soulmate, and the love of my life. But I also believe that you can have more then one soulmate in your lifetime. And I believe Lexie Grey is my soulmate.

Even though we've only known each other for a little while I had never felt this happy in my life, but she lost the love of her life only four months ago. I knew I was going to be there for her because she needs someone who understands what she is going through. After Maeve died I locked myself in my apartment for a week and didn't talk to any of my friends. They were so patient with me and were there whenever I needed them. So I decided that was exactly what I was going to be for Lexie.

"34 year old male, eight days post op," One of the interns who I'd learned her name was Doctor Jo Wilson.

"We are going to go in for surgery again because you had a small re-bleed in your brain and it doesn't not seem to want to solve on it's own," Doctor Shepherd said.

"When? My mom is coming to visit today and she needs a strict schedule," I said.

"Why, if you don't mind me asking," Meredith asked.

"She has schizophrenia and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a couple years ago," I frowned. If I was going to be honest I was relieved when I turned 30 and didn't have the schizophrenia gene, but when she got diagnosed with another genetic disease like this I got really scared. But it's not like I would ever admit that to anyone.

"What's her name?" Doctor Shepherd asked.

"Diana Reid," I said.

"Well, we should take you up to your surgery, Wilson prep him," Doctor Grey said.


I woke up to the very bright lights of the hospital, and someone to my left.

"Hey, Spencer how do you feel?" Lexie said, examining me now that I was awake.

"Better then last time," I laughed.

"That's great to hear," She smiled back.

Doctor Shepherd walked in with one of her interns, Doctor Edwards.

"Good morning Doc," She said.

"Good evening actually it's 5 o'clock," I said.

"Are you experiencing any dizziness or disorientation?" She asked.

"Nope," I replied.

"That's great. Well, with my patients I try to start on the physical therapy as soon as I can, so that means today we're going to get you into the chair," She said.

Doctor Edwards looked at her as if to say that I had only been awake for a couple minutes.

"Let's get this over with then," I said, taking a deep breath. Patients after brain surgery have a more successful rate when they do physical therapy directly after the operation, but no one stops to think of how much it actually hurts to do that.

I grunted in pain the moment I stood up.

"There you go, we only have to go to the chair," Doctor Shepherd said softly.

After 10 minutes I was finally sitting in the chair. Who would've known that walking to a chair could be so painful.

"I know this hurts but it's what's best for you and your recovery," Doctor Shepherd said.

"I know I read a few articles about that a couple months ago," I remarked.

"Hey Spence," Jj said walking in, "I brought you some jello." The doctors left the room to give us some space.

"Thanks jj, you are amazing," I smiled, snatching the jello from her hands.

"Why are you sitting on a chair? You had surgery like two hours ago?" She inquired.

"Patients who get into physical therapy and moving as soon  as possible after they have surgery have a more successful and a faster recovery time," I explained.

"I don't think you're going to recover from this in a week, Spence," she raised an eyebrow.

"I know, but I just want to get back to work I guess," I frowned.

"You know we'll call you if we need help on a case," She said.

"I know," I sighed, "but it's not the same."

"Don't forget, we're always here for you," She said.

Her phone buzzed. "Looks like we have a case."

"Call me if you need help!" I yelled after her as she left the room.

"Bye Spence," She said, laughing.

Hey everyone! I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever and I promise I will try to update more often and with longer chapters
Goodnight 🌙
Good morning ☀️
-Nat ❤︎

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