Night Tremors

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Everyday I lie in wait,

Forced to face my destiny,

I cannot hide from it

For it is my reality,

It is inside me, 



My living hell

Every night I lie in wait,

Wait for the pain to pass,

Wait for the light to come,

Wait for my savior to wake me, 

Only he can heal, 

Only he can save,

Only he knows me,

But as I wait, 

my sorrow consumes me,

It controls my every sense,

Fear in my veins,

Tears in my eyes,

Hope in my heart,

As I wait there is a small hope inside me,

Glowing bright and small,

Have faith my Lord tells me,

Believe in me he asks me,

And it's so hard in the 



Hole that I'm stuck in,

My mustard seed saves me,

The grain of faith let's me live,

It grows and allows me to crawl out,

My savior makes it through the night,

Giving me freedom,

Saving me 

From the Night Tremors

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