Finally Found

87 3 1

I was running through the blackness,

Running through the forest,

The branches my sins,

Ripping at my seams,

The tree roots sticking up,

Tripping me with their doubts,

The thorny vines cling to me,

Cutting my skin with lies,

But still I run,

The thunder rolls across the sky,

Threatening me to stop,

The rain pours down,

Trying to crush my spirit,

The lightening cracks,

Raging with fire,

Trying to make me turn around,

But still I run,

I run because of fear,

I run because of love,

I run because of wanting,

I run because I was asked,

I run because I know it will take me home,

I run because He wants me still,

Even though I've spit in His eye,

Even though I've laughed in his face,

Even though doubted him,

He still wants me.

And finally the storm stops,

The forest clears into a field,

The calm after a hurricane,

And after so long of struggling,

So long of losing,

So long of praying,

I am

Finally Found

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