Nishinoya Yuu

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The Karasuno Sports Festival seemed to be more packed than usual. The school was crowded, and almost everybody seemed to be interested in participating in a sports activity. In the volleyball gymnasium, boys and girls were split in a team, it was a match between genders.

Miyoshi Dani being one of the players for the girls team, was seemingly excited. It's been years since she last playedin a team, specifically in middle school. She was the libero, although she could be a setter every now and then.

She teamed up with her friends during the festival, and though they may not be the most athletic students our there, they still manages to make it to the finals and have a match with the actual Karasuno Volleyball Team.

To say that she was ecstatic, was an understatement. She's probably the biggest fan of the team. She went to every game, to cheer for their wins, and to cry for their losses. And now she was going to have a match against them. This is going to be the best farewell in my last year here at Karasuno.

It bummed her that she won't get to play against their alumni players, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi and Azumane Asahi. But she was still glad they managed to visit, so she got to she them.

"Oi, Dan-chan! You ready?" Her friend and teammate, Reiko asked.

"Did you really have to ask her? She's basically beaming with energy" Kiku butted in, teasing Dani who's been bobbing her knee up and down for a while now.

"I am sooo ready! I can't wait to play with them!" Dani exclaimed, follwing by the sound of a whistle, signaling the start of the game.

"YOSHAAAA! LET'S GO!" She jumped, throwing a fist in the air, getting the attention of the Boy's Team.

"That girl's got the same energy as Nishinoya-san and Tanaka-san," Yamaguchi stated, looking at the fired up girl.

"Tch, this is going to be irritating," Tsukishima muttered in a bored tone.

"HAHA! Miyoshi-san's as loud as ever, I'm getting hyped up as well!" Nishinoya shouted!

The girl's lost the 1st set, with only a 2 point difference. But no one really felt dejected from the Girl's Team. Especially Dani, who's just having fun, her energy affecting her teammates and unknowingly, also the team on the other side of the court. Now in the middle of the second set,  Dani was somehow getting used to Kageyama and Hinata's quick attack, though it's not as intense as the one they used during actual matches. 

Right when Hinata spiked, Dani who has been keeping an eye on him, rolled to the right, receiving the ball, unconsciously shouting, "ROLLINGUUUU THUNDAAAA!," something she imitated from the male libero whenever she watched their matches. 

Her teammates stared at her, they knew her obsession with the rolling thunder, but they didn't expect her to actually say it during their game. The stifled a laugh, failing to connect her receive, making the ball drop to their court, much to Dani's dismay.

"Why are you laughing at me? You didn't connect the ball! We could've scored. You wasted my amazing receive!" She pouted, crossing her arms to her chest and looking at her laughing teammates.

"Why did you shout?" Reiko gasped in between laughter, "It was so funny we're sorry," grabbing on to Kiku for support who was also laughing at her friend. 

"Okay yeah, fine, it was funny, but you didn't have to laugh that much," She sulked, "Hey, we're still in a game you baka!" She whined, not noticing the short libero of the Boy's Team was running towards her.

Dani felt hands grab her shoulder and shake her viciously, "THAT WAS SO AMAZING!" Nishinoya exclaimed, "YOU DID ROLLING THUNDER JUSTICE! I FEEL SO HONORED!"

Dani stared at him with wide eyes, blushing at the closeness of the guy. She had always watched their games so she knew him, he was also in her class in 2nd year, though they never really talked that much. She was his biggest fan, he was just so... cool! 

"OH MY GOSH! THANK YOU! I'M YOUR FAN BY THE WAY!" The two third years were practically gripping each other's hands, jumping up and down in excitement, not noticing the crowd they've gathered. Their teammates laughing and teasing, some were taking photos and videos for future reference.



Nishinoya blushed, and he finally noticed how they were holding each other's hands and how close their proximity was. Dani doesn't seem to notice yet, and just when he was about to point it out to her, Tsukishima interrupted, "Are we even going to continue the game? Or do you plan on jumping around like kids all day long? Are you even third years?"

"TSUKISHIMA!" Nishinoya shouted at his salty teammate, before turning back to his fan. 

"Let's finish the game, then let's go out for ice cream, okay? My treat!" He said, then going back to his side of the court, leaving Dani blushing on the other side, grinning madly at the thought of hanging out with the libero right after.


"Miyoshi-chan! I need to ask you something first. Your answer to my question will determine our friendship. I hope I get the answer I'm looking for," Nishinoya said in a calm, serious voice.

"H-hai Nishinoya-kun, what is it?" Dani gulped, nervous and curious as to what made the libero so serious suddenly.

"What... is your favorite ice cream?"

"E-eh?" That's it? He's serious because of an ice cream?

He stared at her expectantly, so she answered, unsure, "Uhm, a soda flavored Garigari-kun popsicle?" She hoped it was, 'the answer he's looking for'.

Nishinoya stared at her, before grinning madly, grabbing her hands and jumping up and down.

"OH MY GOSH REALLY? I LOVE THAT TOO! OH MY GOSH WE'RE MADE FOR EACH OTHER! COME ON, LET'S GO BUY SOME, COME ON!" He yelled, dragging her outside, leaving his team and hers chuckling in the gym.

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