prologue (short)

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Shirabu POV

Have you ever felt like you wanted to shut out your emotions? Ever wanted to be nothing, do nothing, feel nothing? I had always wanted to feel them. I felt different for most of my years. I grew up feeling like everyone was the same way.

I grew up in a lab, and was constantly surrounded by chemicals, computers, everything science basically. My mother was killed in a freak accident involving this stuff, so it was just my dad and I.

I didn't really remember much from my childhood. I was treated differently, that's all. I was never sent to school and never able to hang out with other kids. I had an interest in medicine, and decided I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up, and that dream never came true.

The thing that makes me different from everyone though, is I couldn't feel emotions. Love, pleasure, I couldn't even feel pain. I generally thought that everybody felt the same way.

Somebody changed my entire view of the world though. He was originally supposed to be there cause of some family member but he started speaking to me and well...I changed. He taught me how love felt, how pain felt. Oh am I spoiling the story? Sorry. Let's just head back to the beginning.

I'm Kenjirou Shirabu by the way. Cheesy as shit I know, but it's my story, I choose what to say.

I want to, but feel nothing | semishira auWhere stories live. Discover now