CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Sisters reunite

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"So, you came back pretty late last night" Ace commented, "yeah, and on top of that... you're glowing" Thomas cut in wriggling his eyebrows, "aha, I knew it" James shouted, "umm, ok bye" I say leaving them with their dirty thoughts... their not wrong though.

I was about to enter my tent when someone yelled out my name, I turn to see Bae running to me. "Nice neckless" he complimented once he reached me, "thanks, Felix made it for me" I reply and he nods.

"You really need to come with me... there's something you need to see" he rushes out, "what is it?" I asked confused, "just come with me" he reaches for my hand but I pull away, "why should I trust you... this could be a prank for all I know" I say, "it's not, I know something that you don't and I think you might want to know this" he stated quickly, I hesitate, but I follow him out is camp.

I look around in confusion as we arrive at a place I don't recognise, which is funny because I swear I've explored the whole island!

In this area, there are cages, some hanging in trees and others resting on the ground. Does all the other boys know about this place? Does Felix?

"How did you find this place?" I ask, my voice shaking in worry, "you didn't know about this place did you?" Bae asks, I shake my head. "I didn't give up on her... I didn't give up in looking for Wendy" he says, heading over to a rope tied up, he grabbed it and carefully lowered one of the cages.

Once the cage is on the ground, I take a closer look to see a girl with ocean blue eyes and messy blonde hair, she is wearing a long dirty white night gown and... no! It can't be... Wendy?

We lock eyes and she gasps, "Arabella? Is it really you?" She asked in a whisper, I nod with tears in my eyes, I never thought I'd see my family again... let alone my sister as a prisoner!

I kneel down to her, "how did you get here? How long for? Are you ok?" I rush out, tears now falling from my eyes, "Pans shadow, we miss you back at home, it's not the same without you" she replied only answering one of my questions.

All I do it nod, "we should probably go before we get caught" came Baes voice, I nod sadly as Bae pulls the cage back up, I say to Wendy "I will get you your freedom" I promise her before Bae and I run off leaving my sister hanging... literally.

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