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Ari POV-

It's been a week at least since Wendy has arrived at camp, she's closed herself off to most of the boys here.

Also I have no idea where Pan and Felix are but they better get their arses back here soon because I am sick of trying to get everyone to clean up after themselves and stuff, there are dishes everywhere and weapons laying around... I can't handle this.

Pans POV-

"What's going on Pan" asked Felix as we arrive at skull rock, "well, I now have the 'darling' sister here on Neverland... Ari, is going to receive something special that will help this island and as for Wendy, she's here to help her sister" I reply honestly.

I know I may come across as evil at times, but sometimes it's necessary. The gift that Ari is going to receive is going to save us all, hence to why I tested her when she arrived... to see which 'darling' she is. As for Wendy, it has come to my attention that other than Felix, she is the only one that is really close with Ari, and because they grew together, Wendy know her better.

"You see Felix, there's something dark coming to destroy this island... and Ari, as Neverland sweetheart, is the only one that can stop it" he nods in understanding, and so I continue, "later, I need you to do something... I need you to take Ari to the main waterfall so then you're away from camp, and give her this flower" I say handing him a Lillie with purple and white petals.

Ari POV-

I've been in camp all day, cleaning up after everyone, especially Wendy... argh responsibilities. I was sitting down resting my feet as I spotted Pan and Felix finally walking into camp.

They look suspicious so I decided to approach them, "you boys alright?" I breathe out, "are you?" Felix asked with now a worried expression on his face, I take in a deep breath, "no, I am not ok... ever since Wendy came to camp I find myself responsible for everything she does, cleaning up after her... making sure she doesn't die, JEEZ, I came here to escape 'that' not live for it" I ranted and they're now looking at me with wide eyes.

"Look Ari, just because she's your sister... doesn't make her your responsibility" Pan spoke up, I nodded however I don't agree.

"I'll leave you two" Pan said suddenly. "Do you want to get out of here?" Felix asked quietly, "I would, but my feet hurt and I'm really tired" I reply.

"I'll carry you" he offered, I look at him to see if he's serious or not... I can't tell! "Where to, can't be too far from camp" I reply giving in just a little bit, "just to the big waterfall" he said casually like it's not even that far! At this moment I know he's serious, "that's a bit far, don't you think?" I tried to convince him not to bother, "not really, besides you're light... hop on and let's go" damn! When he makes up his mind... there's no changing it.

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