Chapter 10: Say what?!

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Hey guys, How was your weekend so far? Mine was great!  This goes out to Blue_Lightning_Panda  because she edited this chapter. I thought it was super nice and I really appreciated it.   Song of the chapter: Deuces by Chris Brown. Thanks for read make sure to C&V!               When I was at home I made sure to call my grandma and tell her Isabelle would be coming. My grandma and my mom have no contact at all. If my grandma knew I sneak to New York she would kill me. Probably be very disappointed. But I do it for her. I feel so bad for grams. She such a sweet woman and she has to have such a cruel daughter. After I finished talking to my grandma, my mom called. "Hello mom?" "Hi Christina. Are you coming home for the weekend? The Howards are having another party. It would be very appropriate and nice for you to attend. I am sure they would be very pleased." "Um, actually mom, me and my friend are going to Miami for the weekend. Her dad owns a small vacation house out there and she said it would be okay so stay with her. So would that be okay?" Ah, I am such a smooth liar. "Very well then. I will get back to you on that." "Mom!" "Christina, you cannot just go everywhere you please and not worry about your responsibilities." "Well Brad's going too. So if I go to the party no one I know or talk to will be there." Oh dear. What have I gotten myself into? " I thought Brad was going to the party also?" "Nope, he decided to come with us" I knew she loved Brad so if she knew he was going I would probably be allowed to go to. Right? "Okay, you can go but remember don't do anything embarrassing and I will put money in your bank account for the trip. Go out and buy yourself a nice dress for the weekend alright?" See here is the deal, my mom really did love me, but instead of saying have a good trip dear I love you, it would be like, wear something nice and don't embarrass me. Make a good impression. Annoying. After a while it got frustrating. Like right now I could tell she was in a good mood and acting her very best. This is the best she ever treated me. "Okay then goodby-" Before I could finish, she hung up. Ugh. Oh great now I have to make sure Brad doesn't go to that party on Saturday. How am I supposed to do that. I really don't want to invite him. Ugh. Looks like I am going to have to. The week went by in a blur. I was sick up until Thursday. Marcus and Poppy checked up on me quite a lot. Quinn just called and Isabelle was there after school with me everyday making sure I didn't shoot myself out of boredom. We had a great week, we played cards, watched chick flicks, read magazines and talked. It was quite a week. Brad called and I told him I didn't want him catching the flu so I would tutor him next week. I also mentioned the trip and he said that he would think about it. He wondered who else would be coming because if he goes he will be the only guy so I also invited Quinn. Quinn agreed to go with us. Friday I felt good enough to go back to school. I talked to Stacey and she seemed to be okay talking to me. I mean, we seemed to hit it off pretty well. I liked her. She was really pretty and she looked like a decent person so I didn't mind. By the time lunch rolled on over, I was so thirsty and my throat was beginning to get dry and scratchy so I just go 2 cups of green tea for lunch. I ran over to Brad and asked him what his decision was. "Why did you invite me in the first place Christina?" "What do you mean? I thought we were friends." "Yeah, we are, but when I invited you somewhere you declined with a snap of a finger. Who says I shouldn't do the same?" "That would be very rude, especially if I asked you." "Okay spill. Why do you need me to go?" Ugh, I got caught so much for New York this weekend. I sighed "Okay, my mom wanted me to go home this weekend so we could attend your party and I told her I would be going to Miami. She said I couldn't go because of the party. So I said that you were going because she liked you." "Hold up, hold up. I thought we were going to New York." "I'm getting there. My grandma lives in New York and my mom hates her so she doesn't want me seeing her either. So I told her Miami so she doesn't think or know for matter of fact I am going to see my grandma." Hopefully he doesn't yell or get mad. I was just standing there waiting for a reaction. He laughed. "You really are a crazy girl." "Whatever so will you go? Besides, Quinn is going and you really could have fun with me, Isabelle and Quinn. It's not like I'm using you." "Fine, I will go, but on one condition." he said holding up his index finger. "What is it" "You owe me one and we get to use my jet." "Okay, I will help you when you are in need of help and yeah, whatever, we can take your jet." "Amazing. trust me you won't regret it" I said happily skipping off to go find my seat to sit with Marcus and Poppy. "Hey guys, what are you up to?" "Okay Chrissy, seriously, who do you think could get more girls, me or Poppy?" Marcus asked. "Um, ginger over there. Why?" "Hey hey hey, he wasn't even an option. By the way his name is Gregory. Greg for short." "You didn't have to tell her." Greg mumbled under his breath. "What's wrong with telling me huh? After all, we are best friends." I said exaggerating a bit. He chuckled. Wow that is the first time I heard him laugh and it was so cute. "Aw, your laugh is so cute." I said. He blushed. I usually am not like this with most people but this kid is like amazing for some reason I could just imagine him as my little brother and I felt very comfortable around him. "Did Greg just laugh? Holy cow Chrissy, what did you do to him?" Marcus asked surprised. Greg nudged him. I noticed Poppy was being very quiet. That's not like him at all. "Hey Poppy, um, can you come with me to get more green tea?" "Sure" He said getting up. I went up with him. After I brought the green tea I looked over to a whole bunch of sophomores practicing photography on people in the hall. No one was really posing, they would just take pictures of people passing by. "Hey, come with me." I went over to them. "Hey, do you guys want to practice photography on me and Poppy?" "Oh yeah, sure. No one is stopping by because it's lunch so we need someone to practice on. Are you guys okay with it?" a brown haired girl with dead blond streaks through her hair said. "Yeah no problem." I said grabbing Poppy's hand and leading him into the middle of the camera lens. I put my arms around him and smiled. They shot about 2 pictures. "Poppy, lighten up dude. Smile" "I am, but it's not normal when you said you wanted green tea and you led me into a photo shoot." He said laughing. "Whatever, just smile." We did a few more amazing poses. We were laughing, then Poppy picked me up bridal style. I was laughing so hard, I didn't have time to smile for the shots. I put half a heart up with my hand. "Poppy make a c with your hand and hold it out." I said. He did as he was told. I took my hand and put it to his opposite. It was a heart. I bent down and did a fish face as they took some more pictures. They were so cute. When we were done, I paid the photographers, printed out the pictures and showed them to Poppy. "Here I said." I handed him the picture of him picking me up bridal style and the one where we did the heart hands. I kept all the funny face pictures. Those are priceless. He smiled as he looked at them. "What do you want me to do with them?" "Oh honey, those are going to be worth millions in the future. If I were you, I would keep them for a good long time." He laughed. "Yeah definitely." That's when the bell rang. Poppy cheered up after that and he looked happy again. I was truly happy now because Poppy isn't Poppy without that beautiful smile of his. I wondered what was wrong with him in the first place. Hmmm. Before he left he said, "Hey Chrissy, thanks. I wasn't feeling too good before and you really cheered me up. Thanks for that." "I could tell Poppy. It scared me today when you weren't cracking your lame jokes." "Their not lame" he said. And with that we entered our English room. The rest of the day  went by in a breeze. Sean stopped by and asked me how I was feeling and what I was doing this weekend. Since he had nothing to do also, I invited him to the trip to New York. He agreed since he had nothing better to do. I called my grandma to let her know the increase of people coming. I hoped she didn't mind. My grandma said she was very happy that she gets to meet my friends. I love how my grandma always loves to know more about me and really makes an effort to help me through tough times. Without her I would be stuck with my mom. And I think we both know how much my mom knows about me. My grandma owns a very famous hotel in New York. She said she would make sure to save some rooms for my friends. I was happy about that. When I got back to my dorm, I called my mom and told her we would be leaving tonight, so if she called me here chances are I am not going to be here. Then Brad came and told me the jet would be ready at about 9:00 p.m., I told Isabelle to stop off by my dorm before we left, and Sean and Quinn are going with Brad. I wanted to bring Marcus and Poppy but I didn't want to keep adding on to my grandma. I also bet all the rooms are booked with people. After all New York, Manhattan, is very busy and I am sure she has tons of people who actually pay to be in there. When I was done packing, I went and straightened my hair and watched some T.V. It was only 5:00 and Isabelle was coming at 8:00. I decided to go to Liam's dorm and hangout there. I grabbed my Iphone and headed on over. I knocked on the door and about 4 seconds later the door opened revealing Marcus with Poppy and Greg. "Oh, hey buttercup. What's up? Come in." "Oh nothing. I had time to kill so I went to check up on you guys." "Well honey, you are a very lucky girl because we were just about to watch "The Last Song"." Poppy said eagerly with a bowl of popcorn in his hands. "No we're not. Greg and I agreed to be men and watch "Jennifer's Body"." "Ew, no dude. I am a girl. Let's go with "The Last Song"." I said protesting. "Ha. Told you so." Poppy said inserting the DVD into the player. Greg was on the bean bag chair texting . "Greg, did you really want to watch "Jennifer's Body"?" "Hell no man. That movies gross." "Wow Marcus. Lying to get votes. I see now, "The Last Song" it is." I said "Scooch over Gregory." He moved over and I plopped down beside him on the bean bag chair. "So, who ya textin'?" I said in a very swingy high pitched voice. "Your mom." Greg said with a straight face. I sighed. When is he ever going to learn. I quickly kneed him in the nuts than snatched his phone away from him. I looked at his most recent conversation. It was with someone named Holly. To Holly: Hey How you doing? From Holly: Bad. I'm missing you so much. To Holly: Same here. You got to come visit soon <3 From Holly: Is this weekend good? To Holly: Anytime is good honey. I just can't wait to see you. Missin you. And that was the last text he sent. I looked over to Greg and saw him crouched up still yelling. "So who is this Holly? A girlfriend perhaps?" "Yes, you could have just asked me instead of killing me you know." "Where's the fun in that? Aw, is she coming over this weekend?" "Yeah, why?" "I'm not going to be here this weekend. I don't get to meet her, aw. That sucks." "Oh thank god." Greg said lifting his hands in the air. "Hey, hey, hey. What's so bad about that?" "Oh just the fact that if she meets you she will never go near me again knowing the fact I hang around you." "Ah, I am offended" "You should be." Greg said with a smirk on his face. "Whatever." I said shaking it off. The movie started and I leaned against Greg who was now in the bean bag chair right beside me. 2 hours passed by, Marcus is yelling because he thought the movie was for wimps while Greg was sleeping, while Poppy was weeping. I was just silently crying. The movie was actually pretty sad. I hate how her dad died at the end. "Toughen up Poppy!" Marcus screamed. "There's something in my eye. Don't be hating." Poppy retorted. I started laughing. You can never get bored of these guys. "Okay guys, well, I am going down to the cafe, any of you want to come?" Marcus asked. "I'll go." said Poppy "So will I" said Greg. "Buttercup you coming?" Marcus asked. "No actually, I have a flight to catch. I am heading off to New York for the weekend and my flight leaves in about 2 hours. I came to hang out with you guys because I wouldn't be able to this weekend." I said dusting all the popcorn off of me. "Okay. Well then have fun!" Marcus said giving me a hug. "Bye guys." I said going off to hug Poppy then Gregory. I finished off then headed back to my dorm. When I got back, I found Isabelle waiting for me at the door. "Oh hey, sorry to keep you waiting." "No problem. Where were you?" "Oh. hanging out with Marcus, Poppy, and Greg. I wanted to say goodbye before I left. They have been so nice to me when I first moved here. It was so nice of them so I decided to say bye. You know, I feel like they are some really good friends, and I would hate to not talk to them anymore." "Aren't Quinn, Brad and Sean coming on this trip?" "Yeah, why?" "You just said your friends with Poppy, Marcus and Greg?" She said in a are you crazy kind of voice. "Yeah. Why?" I asked my patience running out. "Oh, nothing." She said with an amused smile on her face. "What?" "It's just that Poppy, Marcus and Greg hate Brad, Quinn, and Sean." "Wait, why?" I asked confused. "I don't know, but they had this huge fight back in 9th grade. They all ended up getting suspended for 2 months and almost got expelled. It was terrible. But they never told anyone what had happened between them. Ever since then, whenever they were 4 meters near each other, all hell would break loose." I was even more confused now. I thought they were all cool with each other, but just never talked. "I am telling you, being friends with both of the crews will eventually bring you lots of trouble. Especially with Quinn. Once he came they all suddenly hated each other. And the weird thing is the crew was inseparable. They each had girlfriends that they literally, like, were in love with, but they always stuck together. Bros over hoes was their code. Once they had that big fight their crew broke off. Also, each one of them broke up with their girlfriends. You couldn't even see a smile on each of their faces till 10th grade." I was so shocked. This fight had probably been something really big and important for them to go off and be depressed about if for a whole year. Also, I didn't want to go off on Isabelle, but when she said Quinn had something to do with it, I got really irritated. Like yeah, Quinn is really going to be the cause of a big fight like that. He was depressed at the time too. I couldn't even think of him intentionally hurting those group of guys. I guess this weekend I will have to look for information here and there. "Trust me, Quinn is not the source of anything. He is a really good kid, just has a tough life. You got to give him credit though, for him to be the kid he is today is totally shocking. He has had so much heartbreak and pain all his life. You would never be able to imagine." She looked like she understood when I said that. Isabelle held that in her eyes too. The pain and anger she had to hold with her for her entire life. I knew she did. I instantly regretted saying to her how she would never be able to imagine, because I bet she had gone through something similar. I wonder what it was. I hope she tells me once we get to know each other better. I can tell you one thing right now, it's going to be one hell of a weekend.

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