Life sucks:Chapter 8

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 Authours note: Okay guys so here is chapter 8 I think? Anyways yeah so I haven't uploaded in a week. I want to like set a date where I can upload and you guys know which date I upload so then that's the day where my dead line is. Because I feel it is more orginized that way. Anyways Yeah every sunday I will be posting up for sure until further notice.  I guess. Oh yeah btw I don't know if this chapter is good or not. I don't even know if my ideas are good enough. I also feel like there is unneccsary parts in here. I am getting extremly fustrated.

Oh yeah. Song of the chapter:give me sympathy by metric <3

This chapter goes out to penguin014. Again great supporter. I really appreciate it and it means more than you can imagine. :D <333333

Oh yeah. alssooo last thing. I just wanted to tell people that I will never stop writing this book because it isn't getting enough reads,votes,or comments. I simply do writing for fun. I really do like it when people read my work tho because if they comment or vote it gives me a sense of accomplishment. So yeah

With that here is my story folks..

The next morning, I woke up and felt tired. Ah, I had a great time last night. I never knew Sean would be so amazing. Oh well today is my first of day of classes. I wonder if I will make any more friends. I then heard my doorbell ring, I was shocked who rings someone's doorbell so early in the morning? I wonder who it could be. I went on over and opened the door. It was Marcus, this boy was irritating me for some reason.

"Oh looking hot this morning are we?" Marcus asked with a huge smirk on his face.

I then remembered I was in shorts and a shirt that showed my stomach. It was hot last night and this was comfortable... OK... so you can't blame me for wearing those.

"Oh, shit sorry, I will change."

"No, stop hold on. I just had to drop something off for you. Principals orders. Here is your schedule and your uniform." He said handing me them.

"Thanks for bringing them, you really didn't need to. I could have gotten them myself."

"Well trust me it was worth it." he said looking down at my body.

"Your a pig!" I said in my most annoyed voice. He laughed silently then left. I threw my schedule in my bag and put on my uniform. Luckily you got to choose what kind of shoes you wanted to wear, since the uniforms didn't come with those ridiculous looking shoes. I got ready putting it on, did my hair and all my other girly things. I got my iPhone out of my bag checking for messages. Liam sent me one. Oh shit! I forgot to get on-line to talk to him last night. I called him. It rang twice before he answered.

"Well hello woman who losses touch with her best friend after one day."

"I am so sorry I forgot. I got caught up. Can you forgive me?"

"After you did such a terrible thing? Never." He yelled jokingly.

"Well sorry again, but I will make it up to you tomorrow class starts in 30 minutes can't be late"

"Yeah whateves! You owe me big time, peace out!"

I went down to the Cafe, ordered some coffee and took out my schedule to skim over it.

I had only four classes a day. It was already January, so I just filled out what I originally would have taken for the second semester at my old school. As I lifted my head, I saw Brad at the complete other end of the Cafe talking to the same girl he had been making out with on the fountain. Maybe that's his girlfriend. A feeling of jealousy went through me; I mean I shouldn't be jealous, I barely know Brad, so I can't have any feelings for him yet. They looked to be just talking, nothing major. Oh Brad was effin gorgeous, no joke. He was just so hot, like movie star hot. He was hot like Leonardo DiCaprio hot; when he was younger of course. Leonardo DiCaprio is like 40 and ugly now. Ha-ha I am so mean. Wow the way my mind ponders. I got my coffee and quickly left. I looked at the time, class starts in 15 minutes. So I made my way out of the dorms area and down to where the classes were. You see the classes and the dorms were in like two different buildings, but at the same time they were attached; It's a little difficult to explain.

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