Chapter 5: The drunk

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Authours note: Yo guys kk so I thought I would make a very intresting chapter. I thought of this in the morning. I will try to make it a habit to upload everyday but today i got caught up with some friedns so I had to post last minute is 11: 16 right now so I still had a hour left till The day finished. so i guess that still counts sorry its late alsoooo I am not going to show you how brad or Liam look like until next chapter or the chapter after because I am too lazy to go tto frekin photo bucket and find the pictures. Yeah anyways so if your a fan or this story is in your library come back everyday at like 7 or 9 or 10(if it is not uploaded by 10 u can yell at me ) and I will have a new chapter up:D thanks for reading means loads.


Oh boy, I was in trouble. "Christina Mary Evans where have you been. I strictly told you not to go out"

"Yeah I kind of got the message when you go those 2 men, carry me up to my room mom"

"Why must you always be so disrespectful, it must be because of Liam, I never liked him" My mom doesn't like anyone who has less of a "reputation" than us. It annoyed the crap out of me.

"No you never gave him a chance" I said about to leave "DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU" She screamed, I tried my hardest not to flinch. She has never yelled this loud before. "You are going to have serious consequences for this. Your dad is going to come home tomorrow, so I will discuss this with him, for the time being go upstairs to your room and get ready. The stylist is here and your dress is ready. If we are late because of you I will lock you up in your room and take everything out for a whole week. Now go on now"

Oh great she was making my life hell oh god I hated her. I quickly ran up to my room,told the stylist I didn't need her. I payed her a 300 dollars just to say to my mom she did my hair. Well when you got money you can at least spend it.  I pulled on my dress, put on quick lipgloss and mascara then went out the door. I almost fell down the steps. Thank god I didn't we drove off and before we knew it. We were at the Howards house. I never thought a house could be so big. My house was huge,but compared to theirs it makes mine look like an ant. I caught my mom gawking at the house too. I bet she was jealous she didn't have their house. I wasn't, I had everything I needed. I don't get where my moms greed comes from. Her mom is about the kindest most sweet hearted woman I know. I sometimes wonder about how my mom is so different. My grandma used to live with us when I was younger. That was the point where my mom's acting was the talk on the street all around the world. My mom was never home, so she left grandma and dad to take care of me. My dad had a job too so he couldn't be home all time. My grandma practically raised me. I started calling my grandma mom . When I was about 10 I kept calling her mom and when  my mom was finally home to notice that I called grandma the name I should be calling her, she was jelouse and told me to not call her that anymore. I dropped the habit but kept treating my grandma as my mother and my actual mom as a ghost. My mother got fed up and her and my  grandma had a big fight about it. Then my mom did the undo able. She kicked my grandma out of our house. My grandma never forgave her for that fact,too be quite honest neither have I. I stopped talking to my mom for a whole year until she sent me off to this school for discipline.(no they didn't hit me) But they really taught me somethin. So when I finally came back, I finally accepted that fact that my mom was a lying, evil bitch and decided to get on with my life. My grandma moved to New york and I only visit her every other week secretly. I just tell my mom I was going there for a field trip for school. She actually believed it ,Stupid gullible mom. So typical.

Mrs. Howards came out, ugh I thought. I put on my nicest fake smile and prepared myself for an evening of torture.

When we walked in, it was the same as yesterday, people gathered around talking to each other. I spotted Liam and made my way over.

"HEYYY Chrissy" He screamed.

"Hey liams whats up, lets go rock this party" I said excitedly

" No you have to behave today remember the Howards." He winked. He was actually telling me to behave wow that's new. When we went to parties me and him  usually had dance offs and a great time. But I guess he was right, I had to act like a proper lady. I nodded my head in agreement and then just started greeting people that looked familier like co workers of my parents. I was having the worst night of my life. when I finally got away I joined the group which was  Liam, Tom and Felicia. When Sean spotted me. He entered the group. " Well hello Christina, Might I say you look dazzling today"

"Well I wish I could say the same to you." I said jokingly

"aw you rained on my parade" My friends and Felicia (notice my friends and Felicia were in different categories) gave me confused faces. I smiled slightly and introduced him to everyone. Felicia was staring and sneaking glances at Sean the whole night it was funny. I knew she was interested in him, another reason Liam should break up with her. She was a slut that goes after anything moving. My mom and Mrs and Mr Howards entered our group. My friends and FELICIA slowly departed and left except for Sean. His parents came and joined afterward. We were having a stupid conversation about their jobs and crap. When ever the asked me something I would just say something in their favourable opinion kissing up to them. Gosh were they ever annoying. Then soon a dazzling young boy joined the group. He was so handsome unlike anyone I have ever seen. I couldn't breath and act normal. Each time he made eye contact with me I would look away because I knew if I looked at him I would end up saying something stupid or start gawking at him. "Well Sean, Christina this is my son Brad. He goes to the Lincoln Park. Christina I heard you will be joining that school soon. Can't wait to see you there."  said mr.Howard

If I wasn't trying to keep my eyes off Brad I wouldn't have caught  the going to to Lincoln Park thing. Oh great my mom told him I was. I thought it would be rude to ask my mom to talk privately so I was going to hold it off until tonight. This was probably the consequence I got for sneaking out. Oh shoot.

I quietly drifted away from the newly created "group" and just went somewhere were less people were. I grabbed a quick drink from one of the waiters going around handing them and chugged it down. Wow this drink was good. I got 2 more glasses and finished those up too. I was going out of control. I kept taking the drinks and downing them. I felt dizzy but happy like so carefree and that I could fly.

Liam came on over to me, I needed to hold on to him in order to stand up properly. "Whats up Liam," I said laughing for no reason. I was just so happy and carefree. I felt like dancing and going crazy. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Of course I am silly" I raised my glass up to him "cheers for being friends. Guess what Liam my parents are sending me to Lincoln Park. I get to see the cute son of Howards Brad." I said barley even able to stand up straight and laughing in a stupid way. I finished my glass, and then went up to take another one. They had no more I was so mad and frustrated, I couldn't keep it in I burst. I took my empty glass and dropped it on the ground. It shattered into many pieces "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NO MORE!" The server looked bored like this was a normal thing. I was about to lose my balance when someone slid their hands around my waist, I had to put my hand around their neck in order to stand up. It was Liam. Everyone was staring at me, I was having such a good time I just laughed. I was tired, extremely tired "Liam I am tired time to go nappy nap." I said in a very sloppy way.

"Yes, Chrissy your going home now" he mumbled something under his breath but I was too tired to ask what he said. We got in his limo and right when I hit the rubber chairs of the limo, I instantly just collapsed and shut down. The next morning I woke up, with the biggest headache ever. It felt like my head was about to explode. Then I remembered what happened last night. At first I couldn't even remember what happened yesterday, then it all hit me. The stuff I was drinking was wine. I was drunk and when I yelled at the waiter I made a scene. OH NO I JUST MADE EVERYONE THING I WAS A SLEEZY TEENAGER OHH GOD WHAT AM I GOING TO DO. I didn't even want to think of what my mom would say. My dad is also coming home today, oh dear I wanted to in a corner and hide. I was surprised that mom didn't kill me in my sleep. I don't want to face this day ahead of me.

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