The Misfortunes of a High Schooler

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School. A place where various youths with different stories gather to learn. A place where youths can befriend one another and create bonds. A place where youths grow in an environment different from home and discover themselves.

Happiness. A feeling of satisfaction and contentment whether it's yourself, someone, or something. A feeling that is valuable to a person and a precious treasure. A feeling that energizes you with optimism and various colorful reactions that can't exactly be described.

However, how often do high schoolers feel happy? After all, their small, empty heads are always full of many assignments, tiring projects, negative thoughts, broken feelings, and worst of them all-- endless stress. Constant stress that loves to dangle over high schoolers, taunting them like the little devils they are.

Due to stress, high schoolers, unfortunately most, give up and throw themselves into the pit of darkness. Physical appearances form into someone different. Mental health begins to decline but is push past the limit. Emotional breakdowns are silenced in the night, tears hidden in the moon's silhouette. Everything begins to break apart and bodies crumble into ashes.

Trouble after trouble, high schoolers are always pressured. Like a flower squashed by a large and heavier being, cowering into the virescent turf before getting back up. Like flowers, high schoolers are pressured but are forced to stand to continue their lives.

With so many things pushed onto their backs and shoulders, they're forced to work hard. Good grades for satisfaction. Passing class to finish school. Sometimes, they no longer think. A lifeless doll, some even forgetting their source of happiness and going numb from the poison they've consumed.

A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.

In times like this, explore yourself. Exploring yourself can be very complicated like trying to solve an arduous mystery. Do what you love and expand into a vast hill of vibrant gems.

In times like this, give in to time. Think of time as your companion and go with the flow, like a fish swimming in a river that continues to stream ahead. Be carefree and become a bird.

In times like this, relax your mind and body. Remove those frigid shackles that restrain you and rest in the pool of serenity. Become a cloud and snooze in its marshmallow fluffiness.

In times like this, become the sun. Think brightly and remove those gray clouds that cover the blue sky. Don't give in and stand beneath the hoary clouds, for the welcoming celestial awaits with open arms.

In times like this, accept life for what it is and yourself. Life has its ups and downs with each at every moment blocked with the obstacles of life. Do not be afraid to step out of your boundaries and develop yourself into a stronger person.

J.K. Rowling, creator of the Harry Potter series, once lived a grim life before stumbling upon writing, leading her to happiness.

I have a dream that whatever high schoolers may struggle with, they'll be able to overcome it. In life, there'll always be something blocking their path, attempting to stop them from moving onward. In hopes that they don't give up, they'll learn and conquer it with pride like a victorious pirate claiming their gorgeous treasure.

I have a dream that high schoolers will someday find their form of happiness. Happiness comes in many forms and is special to that one person. Whether time is short or long, they'll surely find happiness, and if not, happiness will find them.

Happiness stands in front of you, and you stand in front of happiness.

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