Moonlight and Sunlight

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Staring across the heavens beyond that lie upon us, we wonder,

how long must we stand under this colorless sky?

The emotions that we bear,

is a sea that one mustn't dive.
The sounds of silence and chatter in one,

whilst gazing at the moon and sun.

A veil of many colors

is a face of a bright feeling,

but holds an unopened sealing.

A dim, windowless mansion with doors from left to right.

Behind lies laughters of joy and cries of misery,

and further remains illumination and mystery.

Though the path is prolonged and without a conclusive sought,

one must commence forth

in order to flee and disappear.

We are children of diverse tales.

Appearances used as a shell

and identity reflecting our souls.

Raised by different families and taught differently,

we grow with broad dreams and minds alike.

Despite our differences,

we sometimes lead the same path.

And to forge new paths,

we must accept and open doors to all.

Gleeful grins from ear to ear in the rain,

warmth within the figure is nigh to the chain,

and facing one's self is the key.

Flaws and strength is one's individuality.

Like a canvas of what was once white,

an assortment of colors splashes into its emptiness.

In a meadow with a rainbow over a lone fellow,

Bluebirds chirp and yellow butterflies flutter.

The heavens bestow Fairy Lilies, dancing in the wind

with caring friends and loving families.

Well boys, we did it.

Isolation is no more.

Though we may hurt, we recognize,

though we may weep, we stand,

though we may freeze, we advance,

and to that, we adore oneself.

We will not fall

and we will not cease.

Sorrow, fear, resentment, abandonment.

Gloomy touches and numb sensations

flared into ashes and bathed in comfort.

One who is left behind results in the end of others.

So together, extend your hand,

and with that hand, there shall be a band.

In desperate times of needs,

one must crumble into the hands of companions.

Taking their hand,

strength is granted and truth is given.

With every human who refrain themselves,

we shall conquer the demons whom we fear.

We shall conquer time itself that dares torment us.

We shall conquer life which defies itself and every being.

Victory shall be ours when the day comes to an end.

We shall strive to ameliorate ourselves.

We shall strive to establish relationships and memories to never be forgotten.

We shall strive to live to the fullest.

Then, the sun will appear.

The once polluted sea shall be blue.

Dusk shall be outshined and dawn shall rise.

Contentment, courage, compassion, communication.

To become free, one must let go.

To let go, one must become free.

Knowing others is intelligence;

knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength;

mastering yourself is true power.

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