Chapter 1

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                                                               Chapter I


     "Lawrence Rose, head of his class, who has now achieved his Intelligence and Security degree, will now give the class graduation speech," the President of the University said into the podium's microphone. There was enthusiastic cheering as Lawrence stepped unto the stage and took his place at the podium. Lawrence smiled at his friends in the front row, who were screaming his name with embarrassing fervor.

     "My father always told me to do my best," He started. The crowd quieted, many of them knowing that Lawrence lived alone, and what that implied. "It didn't matter if it was gardening or taking a test. He wanted me to put all my effort into everything I did. If I knew I was going to pass a class, I kept going anyway, wanting the best grade that I could achieve. My father also taught me what was right and wrong, and that gray area rarely exists. This mentality is what got me through the toughest of times and what got me here today," he pointed at the stadium and then spread his arms out to indicate the college campus. "And I am so grateful to be here!" The crowd cheered. "I only get a short speech," he continued, "so I wanted to pass on my father's wisdom. Do your best and do what's right! Thank you."

     His graduating class cheered again as he received his diploma and joined his friends in the audience.

     "That was great!"

     "Good job Lawrence!"

     "Thanks guys," he said with a smile.

     Some people in the crowd weren't so impressed.

     "Look at him, people think he's such an angel with that curly blond hair and sunny personality." A girl sneered.

     "You're just jealous he graduated at twenty and you're twenty-two!" her friend snickered.

     "Oh, shut up! And don't remind me," the girl wailed.

     Lawrence wasn't thinking about the speech or the crowd or even his friends. Thank God that's over. Now I can finally start at CenterPoint Software Development! Father's death will not be in vain. I've wasted so much time at this pathetic school with these stupid people.

     "Lawrence, do you want to go out for pizza?" one of his friends asked.

     Huh? Oh, it's Nathan. Music major, useless to me now that I've graduated.

     "No." he said simply and walked away. He was tired of being friends with these people. Only people in his major were of any use, and even they weren't as intelligent as he was. Lawrence made his way to his dorm room, his diploma clutched tightly in his hand.

     "What's up with Lawrence?" Nathan asked.

     "Oh, you know how he gets when he talks about his father. He really idolized him," another friend replied.

     Lawrence grabbed his two suitcases from his dorm room, hauled them down the stairs, out into the parking lot, and into the back of his car. He called his land lady of his new apartment before driving off without saying a single goodbye to his classmates of three years. He didn't need them anymore. 

Washington D.C. to California was a long drive, but it gave Lawrence plenty of time to think. Three years ago, his father was killed in an accident. The police said it was a random drive by, but Lawrence didn't believe that for a second. He knew his father and his father's friend were involved in something potentially life threatening. As soon as the police told him the lie, Lawrence searched his father's study. He only found one file related to the incident, and it wasn't on the computer. It was a notebook full of handwritten notes, beginning with a simple case of illegal advertisement violations to a company called CenterPoint Software Development Corps. Lawrence was still in his father's study when another set of police knocked on the door. Lawrence hid the notebook with his college textbooks before answering the door.

"Lawrence Rose is it?" the officer asked.

"Yes." Lawrence had answered.

"I'm sorry to hear about your father. Mind if we look around to see if anything can explain the drive-by?"


"Great," the officer pushed by Lawrence. "Is there anyone else in the house?"

"No..." Lawrence said uneasily. He didn't know what to do. Why were they here? Where were the local police? Were they allowed in his father's house? He knew his father didn't trust organizations like the FBI or NSA because of what they (Sebastian and Anthony) had found, but they hadn't told Lawrence anything particular.

"Hey kid," an officer said gruffly, touching him on the shoulder. "Your father, what kind of person was he?"

"He was..." a tear trailed down Lawrence's face, "a righteous person. He always did what was right-"

The officer huffed. "That's explains it."

"That explains what?" Lawrence cried.

"Listen, kid. Did your father ever tell you his life could be in danger?"

"No," Lawrence said truthfully, but didn't say anything about his father's suspicions. Maybe he should tell these officers, but something in his gut told him to stay quiet.

That night the officers looked into every drawer in Anthony's study, but didn't find anything. They didn't find the notebook among Lawrence's belongings either.

I shouldn't be thinking of these things whiledriving, Lawrencethought to himself. He glanced behind him at his suitcase. The notebook wasinside. I'm going to finish your work, Dad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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