Chapter 27:The Morning After

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Y/n: Your name

Y/l/n: Your last name


~Y/n's Pov~

I loved waking up in his arms. I sat up and covered myself with the sheet looking around the room for my clothes but they were nowhere to be found. "Looking for clothes?" I heard George in the doorway. "Ginny is bringing your robes now. It's Year-end exam day. You might want to wake him up. Ginny will drop them off in 10 minutes." he waved goodbye and closed the door. Oh shit I don't think I studied enough. I made my way back to his bed and got on top of him. "Freddie, love, it's time to get up. We have exams soon." I kissed his cheek. "Alright, I'm up. Do you know what time it is?" I looked at my watch, "It's eight o'clock." He smiled as he finished buttoning up his shirt. "Are you okay?" He sat down next to me as I frantically looked through my text books. "You're going to do great on these exams Y/n" he lifted my head up and kissed me. "Potions is the only thing I'm good at" I started frowning going through my transfiguration book. "No, you are the best witch in our year. I know you're going to do great. Just don't worry and take a deep breath. You've got this." he sat down behind me and hugged me around my waist. We heard a knock on the door and Fred got up and answered it. He didn't open the door two wide so Ginny wouldn't see me. He closed the door behind him when they were done talking. He handed me the clothes and sat down on the edge of his bed, covering his eyes. "Why are you covering your eyes?" I started getting dressed. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I started laughing, "Freddie, you've already seen me nude. You looking while I am getting dressed doesn't make me uncomfortable." he uncovered his eyes. I finished getting ready as we heard the bell ring. "Let's go eat" He grabbed my hand. "Wait, we need our books!" I grabbed all of ours and then we headed out the door.

We all ate looking over text books getting ready for our exams. I kept reading my text book with toast in my mouth. "Y/n, slow down." Harry said as I frantically flipped through the book. I looked up at him confused then looking down at my toast. I took a bite and put it down on my plate.

~Time Skip~

It was time for my last exam, Potions. Fred, George, Angelina, and I walked over to our desk and listened to the instruction from Snape. It was a partner exam. And before we started Fred pulled me closer to him. "We've got this." He whispered into my ear. I smiled as we were told to begin. I knew exactly how to brew Draught of Living Death. Fred helped me cut up and get the right amount of certain ingredients.

When Snape wasn't looking, Fred would pull me in and kiss my cheek. "Hey, I wasn't feeling well the other day so I went to the hospital wing. You'd never guess what Madam Pomfrey said. She said I was lacking vitamin U" He whispered into my ear. I tried so hard not to laugh. "You must have been a broom, because you swept me off my feet." I whispered back, finishing the Potion. I raised my hand, waiting for Snape to come check it and dismiss us. He dropped in a leaf and watched it get dissolved, "Good job Mr. Weasley and Miss Y/l/n. You two are dismissed." I packed up my books and we were out the door. "We have so much time left, What should we do?" I grabbed Fred's hand, "there are a lot of things we can do" he winked. "But now, we are going to do this." He lunged left into a broom closet. He pushed me against the wall and slid his hand up my thigh into my skirt. With his other hand he brought my face to his. He pressed his soft lips to mine. He kissed me slowly while grabbing my ass. He picked me up so he wouldn't have to bend over to kiss me anymore. I went straight for his neck and started leaving hickies. After a while we were afraid of getting caught so we left and made our way back to the common room. Once we stepped in we saw Ron on the couch. "What the bloody hell happened to you?" I rushed over to help him. Hermione came down the stairs. "He had an accident in our transfiguration exam" she opened a bottle and he drank it. Fred couldn't stop laughing at the way Ron looked with his cat ears. Ginny ran down the stairs and took a picture. "I'm so happy this happened!" she laughed.

~Time Skip~

After dinner we sat in the Gryffindor common room, having fun before the last task. We played Clue for hours and laughed the night away. "No, no, no, It was Plum in the Library with the candlestick!" I grabbed the envelope out from the center to check the answer. I danced around as I showed the cards proving that I won! "See, this is why I never play against her" George got up in frustration. Fred picked me up from behind. "Come on, it's time for your reward" He whispered in my ear and took me upstairs. 

"What's my reward?" he threw me on the bed. "This" he grabbed something out of his drawer. It was a little box. "What's this Freddie?" he sat down across from me. "I got this for you a while back and didn't know if you'd like it or not. Plus I couldn't get the last thing until now." he opened it to show the heart necklace inside. "Aw, Freddie" I blushed as he pulled it out of the box. "Open it" he placed it in my hand. I opened it to see two moving pictures, one of us dancing and the other with me kissing his cheek after we did each other's makeup. "Can I put it on for you?" I turned around and moved my hair out of the way as he put it on. "Thank you Freddie, I love it!" I looked at the pictures again. I turned to face him. He kissed my forehead. "I love you Y/n" I blushed. "I love you too" I kissed him. "I'm glad you like it." I held my hand to his face as it got warm. "Why wouldn't I". I looked at my watch, "It's getting pretty late, we should get some rest." I got up from his bed, "Can you stay here for tonight?" He started pulling clothes out of his trunk. "Sure, I can stay." he handed me one of his shirts to wear. 

We both changed and crawled into bed. I pulled the curtains down so nobody could see us. "Hey Freddie..." I looked up at him. "Yes bug?" I straddle him. "What was earlier about?" he placed his hands on my waist. "What do you mean?" he smirked. "Oh, I see how this is." I leaned down and started kissing him. He moved my hip so I was grinding on him. He picked me up and flipped me over. He took his pants off and took my underwear off. He kissed me while playing with my clit. He moved his fingers around in small circles. He pulled away from me and kissed me from my neck down to my clit. He started licking and fingering me. I let out a soft moan. "The more you moan, the harder I go" he went back down. He moved faster and I couldn't hold on much longer. I moaned loudly, "Oh, Fred!" I finished. He crawled back up. "Come on, it's time to sleep." he laughed. I laid on his chest. "Goodnight my love." he said, "Goodnight lover" I kissed his cheek, and drifted off to sleep.

Word Count: 1335

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