Stuck in the moment😩

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4 months past
You walking alone to school, you made it and Alfredo saw you too.

Alfredo:"Why don't we go somewhere at the night time"

Your POV:
It be months since Carlos and I broke up and I get be happy plus I'm over it and same time I'm not.

You walked with Alfredo and you Carlos with a girl, but you didn't care but you did.

School over and you got ready and it hit 11:30pm. You sneak out your house and Alfredo was waiting for you. You guys run to the city together.

Alfredo:"So like I was sneaking out. I fell down"
You:"You what?" Laughed
Alfredo:"I fell"
You guys laugh together
Alfredo:"Ik Ik"
You:"I always feel free when am I out of my house"
Alfredo:"You do, d for sure"

You get up and run around and Alfredo was looking at you

You:"Come on let's run around" you laughed

You didn't know that Carlos was looking at you guys, he saw you laughing and smiling with Alfredo

Carlos:"She was all mine! She was mine. I just can't hurt her"

He looks up at you guys

You guys were running and Alfredo caught you. You guys look into each other eyes. He looks at your lips, and you look at his

Carlos:"They better not"

Alfredo kisses you, you look at him

Alfredo:"I'm sorry"

You kiss him back. You guys start kissing

Carlos got mad and left.

You & Alfredo:"I'm sorry"
Alfredo:"I didn't mean do that"
You:"It just a kiss"

You guys laughed and were jumping in the ocean. An hour later. You guys went back to your home and Alfredo give you a hug. You shower and change into your pjs. You lay down

Your mind:"Why did I just do? I still love Carlos"

To Carlos
I can't believe that. Mostly with my eyes.
Three hours later.

Lz:"Yo Carlos- Carlos?"
Bryan:"Where Carlos"
Alex:"Get the car foos"

Where did Carlos went?

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