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Next day

You and Carlos went to your house, you guys took a shower together. You hugged him in the shower because you remember what the guys told you. It hurts you so much.

You guys lay down, you took a nap meanwhile Carlos was holding you. You had a dream of your mom

The dream:
You saw your mom looking at the flowers meanwhile standing up, you ran to her.

Mom:"My baby"
You:"Mom, it is you!"
Mom:"Yes, it is me"

You ran into your mom arms, she grabs you tight. You guys hug

Mom:"I miss you my sad girl"
You:"I miss you too mom. I love you"
Mom:"I love you too"

You guys were hugging

Your dream ends.

Carlos:"Y/n wake up!"
You still asleep

He shook you wake

You:"Why you woke me up"
Carlos:"You were crying"
You:"Carlos hold me please"

Carlos and you hug

You:"Carlos, I had a dream of her... of my mom"
Carlos:"Oh y/n"
You cried
You:"I miss her so much"
Carlos:"Ik you do"
You:"I can't live without her because she my mom. I miss her"
Carlos:"Yes, you can"
You:"Carlos, I love you so much"
Carlos:"I love you too"

You guys kiss and Carlos wipe your tears away, he was still hugging you meanwhile kissing your head. You holding on Carlos tight, you fall asleep in his arms.

Carlos:"I love you y/n"

Carlos stands up, he saw a box.

The box was named:
"Mommy things"

He open it, and saw all photos and you and your mom, her belt, glasses, pants, and shirts. A lowrider that you and your mom next to do meanwhile taking a picture. And a diary

The diary:
"After mom death dad blames me everyday and I'm just 10 years old, I don't get it. Mom drink those pills but there blood everywhere. I'm hating myself a lot because of this. Yes, I cut myself on my right arm but I stop the bleeding because I'm scared of everything. Mom is my bestfriend and it wasn't my flaut! I promise to you Lord! I miss her so much"

"I'm 16 years old now! Happy birthday to me and my mom"
"I just enter a new school and that boy Carlos is really cute"
"I just got in a big fight with my dad because he doesn't want me with Carlos. But I don't care because I like Carlos and my dad choke me and more that that. I miss mom was here."

Carlos walked to you and saw your right arm with cuts. He kiss them

Carlos:"I won't let nothing that to you"

Carlos put everything away and cuddle you and fall asleep too


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