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Carlos and his whole group came. They broke the door, you heard gun shots. You duck down.


Carlos:"Where is she? Watch homes out because they can be vatos here"
Lz:"Mfs are going pay!"
Bryan:"Watch out"
Chris:"Got him"

Chris shot one of the guys

Chris:"North side putos? Weak!"

North side gang:"We weak?"
Carlos:"Yeah? Where is she?"
One of the north side guy:"You guys dead"
Lz:"We are?"
North side guy 2:"We-"

Lz shot one of them

Lz:"Wassup foos!"
Carlos:"West side locos!"

All the gang came out and They shot all 5 of them

Carlos:"Don't mess with my hyna or even touch her"

You:"It is Carlos!"

Then someone got you they take you out. You tried fight back, you kick them and one of them let you go. You stomp of him and the other grab and you drop of the floor.

He pick you up and choke you by his arm. He put a gun to your head, you got scared. He made you guys walked to the back of the house.


Carlos:"Let her go!"
Chris:"You shot her! Your a dead man"
Bryan:"Found him!"
Nick:"Y/n and this gang are dead"
North side guy 1:"Boss!"
Carlos:"Don't kill her!"
Nelson:"This is the mf who got her mom and dad killed and the both of West side so guess what"
North side guy 1:"She dead"
Lz:"Y/n be quiet"
You:"Carlos! I'm so scared right now"
Carlos:"I'm sorry y/n is this scary but I'm need you to trust me a lot with your soul"
You:"I do"
Carlos and Lz look at each other
Lz:"Do it"
Carlos:"Y/n I love you"
You:"I love you too"

Carlos shot the guy that was holding the gun to your head


You look at Carlos and he looks at you, you ran to him. He hugs you tight and you hug him back and you guys kiss. You were crying.

Bryan:"What we so with this foo?"
Carlos looks at you
You:"Kill him"
Carlos:"Goodnight Nick! You hurt my girl tried do something with her and hit her. You killed now"

Carlos shot him

You and Carlos hug. Also his group hugged you.

The group:"Your safe"
Carlos:"Let's go home now"

All you guys drove home

Your safe now!😍

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