Part 1: A Shower ?

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It's been hard work for Undertaker, stretching the stress of the day away he walks up the stairs of the murky basement and headed towards the main entrance of his workshop seeing as he still had one more coffin to complete before he could finish work for the day, and then he was free until morning. He turned his head to look at the old grandfather clock that rested against his pride coffins "only twenty minutes past five" he grinned making his way over to the nearly completed coffin, "ehehe~ I've made good time" mumbling to himself he attaches the smooth velvet onto the mahogany wood of the coffin grinning from ear to ear as he admires his work. As time flew he completed the coffin was finally finished and Undertaker was done polishing the wood as he propped it up against the wall ready to be collected tomorrow afternoon, rubbing his already dirt and blood covered hands on his coat "hehe it seems I'm in need of a shower" he spoke aloud to himself, one of the few advantages to being a retired reaper was the benefits that came with it, for example modernized showers complete with hot water. Just as he went to unbutton his grimy coat he felt a presence approach the shop and giggled retreating to his favourite 'scare' coffin (as he liked to call it) and hid awaiting the poor soul who will be on the receiving end of his prank.

It was not too long after the Undertaker had hidden that a certain flamboyant red head burst through the door of the workshop "oh Undie my darling!" she calls entering the room searching for her favourite mortician "aw Undie where are you?", it was when she stopped in front of his coffin that he chose to make his appearance, giggling as usual he jumped from his hiding place tackling the female reaper to the ground making her yelp in surprise "hehe good evening kitten, what can I do for you? Hehe" Undertaker sniggered at the look of surprise on her face causing the woman to giggle and tap his nose with a slender finger "hehe my, undie if you wanted me on the floor all you had to do was ask" she purrs seductively at him grinning like a Cheshire cat. Undertaker chuckled suggestively as he leaned over her teasingly before pulling away and standing with a mock grin plastered on his face, Grell pouted "aw I was enjoying that" she says as the mortician helps her off the floor "hehe my apologies kitten, I was afraid I had hurt you" his voice held a sarcastically teasing tone to it and he giggled once again, oh the amounts of fun he could have with the crimson reaper... all kinds if he dared try.

Grell giggled walking towards the elder reaper "hehe I have quite the tolerance for pain dear" her tone of voice suddenly becoming smooth with a hint of mischief behind it as she twirled undertakers braid between her slender fingers purring softly there was no wonder why her nickname was 'kitten', undertaker would be lying if he said she didn't turn him on, but luckily he had more self-control than that and they do flirt on a daily basis so his attitude towards her wouldn't be classed as suspicious in the least. Grell on the other hand was getting rather tired and more than a little frustrated playing around, she wanted him and the more he teased her the more she felt the need to push him to the floor and take him then and there! But as much as she wanted to, she decided against it but still wrapped her arms around his neck making him smirk and rested her hands on her hips "hmm I'll keep that in mind then hehe" he purred leaning into her ear "for a future reference", Grell shivered as his breath came in contact with her ear and smirked as a plan formed in her head and she sniffed him knowing he had been working with bodies all day, he smelled of copper and death mixed with his usual scent of cinnamon and what reminded her of old books. "Ugh you need a shower" she teased mockingly running her fingers through his hair and undertaker giggled at her "hehe I know, I was just about to do that. But I thought I'd give you a mild scare first" Grell smirked as her plan slowly shaped fully and twirled her own locks in a flirtatious manner "well... since my hair is in need of washing, mostly thanks to that brat of an earl ... why don't we. help. Each other. Out?" with each suggestive word she crawled her fingers up his chest and he watched her wide eyed beneath his bangs. A shower with Grell? Well this was new, the most that's ever happened between the two of them is casual flirtation and a few hinting comments, well okay there was that one night when the pair got drunk at a Phantomhive ball but they only exchanged a kiss, nothing more than that. Lost in his thoughts he didn't realise that Grell had been poking him waiting for an answer "look if you don't want to then I understand, but don't leave me standing here while your off dancing with the zombified fairies or whatever ..." that got his attention, and he barked with laughter almost hitting the floor in his usual hysteric giggles but he kept his footing ... just barely "hehe sorry m'dear it seems my mind ran away with me for a moment there hehe" he said wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closely to him. Grell blushed lightly at the contact but held it back "yeah I realised that. Well? Do you want to or not? I can wait out here if you'd prefer" she hoped that wasn't the case but if it was she would have to find other ways to interest him... but what? "Hehe why not? Since I really do need one, and I wouldn't turn down such an offer from a lovely kitten such as you" hearing this her mind was pulled back to the matter at hand, did he just agree to it? Grell wasn't expecting this, and a blush made its way on to her cheeks although she kept a straight face regardless, there was no way she would allow herself to look like a love struck teenager at a time like this! No, this time she would put on her best sexy smile and be her fabulous self "well then you better go and run it dear, or we'll never have a chance to..." she trailed off for effect, it seemed to work on Undertaker rather well even though she couldn't see his eyes, she felt him stare intently and she liked that "clean ourselves" Grell finished her sentence with a smirk as she gazed up at the man in front of her.

Something about her tone of voice interested the silver haired reaper, was she challenging him perhaps? oh he could have some fun with this he thought to himself as he smirked squeezing the woman's hips lightly "I best had hehe if you'll excuse me then, there are towels in the cupboard over there hehe" he nodded towards the cupboards and pulled away with a grin "take your time" and with that he disappeared leaving the red reaper with a foggy mind and warm cheeks, "tease" she muttered under her breath as she grabbed the towels and followed his lead towards the bathroom. As she walked thought the corridors heading towards the sound of running water, Grell suddenly felt a twist in her stomach, was she nervous? No she couldn't be after all she has had multiple relationships plus a few regrettable one night stands, and not to mention she flirts like its second nature and she's never gotten nervous before, so why now? She pondered this while absentmindedly entering the bathroom only to reveal a semi naked undertaker, and let me tell you if Grell's cheeks were warm before they were probably on fire by now as she stared at him taking in every detail, he stood there hanging his shirt on the coat rack with his back to her. Wondering how she was going to get his attention without seeming too awkward she coughed causing him to turn around with a big grin, even bigger when he saw her flushed cheeks, perfect time to tease he thought "like what you see m'dear?" undertaker practically purred those words to the flustered red head clearly mocking her, well if he was going to be like that then Grell would play too. Smiling she walked over and circled him like a vulture before feeding, examining him "hmm what would you do if I said yes?" she stopped facing him letting her nails drag lightly down his nicely chiselled torso, gaining a shiver from him in the process while he watched her every move "hehe oh I'm sure I'll think of something kitten, but first I believe we have a shower to get into hehe... unless you're having second thoughts?" this time he was turning the challenge onto her not expecting her to accept, if he was honest, "oh? I believe we do... best get to it then". Grell took the opportunity to remove her red coat and hang it up next to the Undertakers shirt and slowly starts unbuttoning her own shirt.

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