Part 7: A Game?

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(right first off I would like to apologise for the incredibly late update, writers block and life in general haha. so here is the long awaited chapter, sorry its not the best but it would mean a lot if you left a comment and let me know if you like it or even if you have any suggestions. thanks all! happy reading)

The evil grin that was now plastered on Undertaker's face grew sadistically, sending cold shivers of anticipation down Grell's spine as she watched him through half lidded eyes. Undertaker had slowly slid his hand up to her neck, feeling the pulse that was beating heavily for him 'she's nervous? or excited? hehe good' he thought to himself, happy to see that he still had this effect on the little red head, dragging his hand down he let one slender finger drag from her chest to her torso leaving a bright red line where the nail had travelled. Grell inhaled sharply, biting down on her lip as she watched the red beads emerge from the thin line along her abdomen. "shit, oh undie" she spoke through her teeth as the silver reaper ran his tongue over the new marking, lapping up the line of blood that had formed there. Grell held back a moan, she was getting irritated and all he was doing was teasing her! didn't he want her? if he did he had a funny way of showing it, punishment or not she wanted him, the words 'fuck me already' formed in her mind as she bucked her hips, but not like she would let him know just how badly she wanted him. she settled on doing what she does "stop being such a tease... its getting a little boring now dear", she hated being teased, what was this nutcase up to?! clearly he was planning something, if only she knew what, Grell tries so hard to figure him out. Undertaker took that opportunity and without any hesitation or warning inserted a finger into her, the shock causing Grell to yelp of pain, with an odd mixture of pleasure as he pumped his finger, all the while that she was glad he had finally had cut those damn nails! "ughn Undie! ah..", he chuckled darkly at her surprise and her sudden yelp as he spread his fingers in a scissoring motion, her yelps and mewls were like a small animal, helpless and adorable, "he he I told you kitten..." he spoke pumping faster and ran his tongue along Grell's inner thigh not once breaking eye contact from under his damp silver locks "I'm going to make you scream". hearing those word come from his lips just made her all the more excited as a shiver of pure ecstasy ran through her body as Undertaker continued to pump at a quicker pace. Grell moaned loudly arching her back, "tch tch arching to me already love?" his tone turning patronizing as a smirk formed making him look sadistic, it was no secret that he liked to make the women squirm but this red head was putting up a damn good fight, not that he minded... more fun for him.

Still smirking he lowered his lips down, latching onto her inner thigh swirling his tongue along her thigh as he found her sweet spot, as his tongue flicked it a sensuous moan escaped her pink lips, her breathing laboured softly and Undertaker giggled at his lovers flustered look, "I think I've just found a sound I like better than laughter he it again" a dominant gleam shone in his eyes as he stared at the now highly annoyed and very turned on Grell. trying desperately to keep her composure she tugged at the cuffs with a smirk "I'm afraid you will have to do better that dear, I wont make a noise just because you told me to..." she paused watching his reaction, if this was his attempt to "make her scream" it was pretty fucking pathetic. As if reading the woman's mind he bit roughly on the pale flesh of her thigh and sat up with a sadistic grin before slowly pulling his finger from her now soaked womanhood, "in that case kitten..." he spoke as he raised his finger to his lips and lapped up her juices, making Grell blush in the process as she watched him. After clearing his fingers he leaned over the female reaper, whispering in her ear "would you like to play a little game?", hold on...did he say game? her eyes went wide as she heard his words, what the hell is he playing at? to be honest she wasn't sure whether to be scared or excited. well lets face it, what would you think in this situation?! she gulped "what kind of game are we talking about darling?..." honestly what on earth could he mean by "game"? if it was what she thought, like hell would she complain. Sensing her hesitation the Undertaker giggled in his normal happy go luck tone "he he a fun game dearie! but you'll have to close your eyes first" he said leaning close to her face and placing a soft kiss on her plump lips.

(again I say I am sooooooo sorry, writers block is a real bitch, and its not even that long of a chapter *pout* I appreciate every single comment you guys leave me and I will try my best to reply to each and everyone of you. it really means a lot that you guys are enjoying this fanfic so far and thank you so much for the votes! ill try and update faster in the near future and once again sorry for the cliff-hanger hehe. love you all :3)

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