Part 5: Punishment Challenge

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(As promised here is part 5! I really hope you guys like it, this chapter is a little shorter but it's leading up to the lemon ;) enjoy)

Undertaker fell to the floor with a thud but quickly pushed himself back up and sped after Grell, 'oh she is going to be punished for that' he thought to himself as he followed her into the parlor and tackled the woman into an open coffin, both in hysterical laughter by this point "hehe that was mean of you kitten" he spoke between giggles "mhmm yup hehe what are you going to do about it undie dear?" The teasing tone was back in her voice and this time he was happy to oblige, calling her bluff he smirked and breathed into her ear once again "I'm going to punish you for it..." hearing those words Grell wasn't sure whether to be scared or excited! She was going for the latter "oh? What kind of punishment do you have in mind?" For some reason she felt this so called "punishment" would be more of a perk so she wrapped a leg around the silver haired reaper bringing him closer, Undertaker could feel himself becoming hard at the contact, this woman definitely aroused him there was no doubt about that and he suddenly felt the coffin rather constricting. Grell noticed his discomfort 'oh he's turned on' She thought 'good now hopefully I won't have long to wait before he breaks' She smirks at the thought and continues to taunt him "I hope your creative darling or this punishment game will be a great bore to me" again she challenged him as if she hadn't learned her lesson.
With a swift movement he sat Grell up, much to her surprise as she yelped softly "hehe so eager for punishment kitten" he teased with words unlike her who preferred action, suddenly his tone changed from the usual to sultry and rather gruff, she'd never experienced this side of him before and the thought of it made her melt, she wouldn't admit to it but it was so damn sexy she felt herself become a little wet. Grell shivered with anticipation as his breath traveled down her neck and sent hot flashes through her body "hehe honestly, you are quite the little masochist aren't you..." she froze for a moment, did undie just seriously say that? The giggling imbecile of a mortician!? She was stunned to say the least and was definitely turned on by it! Feeling like she was losing the battle here the red head countered his comment with ease "maybe I am, but you seem to be quite the sadist yourself" "hehe guilty m'dear" he just smirked, he knew how much she hated to lose so naturally he enjoyed the moment where he almost rendered her defeated, he grinned at the sight and trailed his tongue up her neck tasting the sweet ivory skin, wanting to devour and ravish her. As Grell moaned softly under his touch he lost it, that's it he wanted her now, he whispered into her ear gruffly "you want punishment kitten? Hehe I'm going to make you scream my name" shocking the woman once again he lifted her out of the coffin and with speed that easily out did her own carried her to the bedroom.

(A little bit of rough undertaker for you there, how do you like it? Let me know in the comments if you want to read more about it :3 thanks xx)

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