(Narry) Little Kitty Hybrid Niall

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"Let's here it for one direction!!" The interviewer says as we take our seats and wave to the screaming fans in the audience.

"We're here with Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall to talk about the latest and greatest from these boys."

"So, Louis can you tell us what we can expect from the upcoming tour?" The Interviewer asks, with a mega watt smile painted onto her ruby lips.

I zone out once Louis starts to answer the question, he's always had a soothing voice that I can lose myself in. Hmm, not as soothing as Harry's deep voice though, and those curls that I just want to...

"Niall?" Someone says while nudging me.

"Wha?" I say as I look to Liam and everyone else to see them staring at me.

"She asked where our favorite place was to go on tour and what we usually do there." Liam says while filling me in.

"Right, well um my favorite place to go is Ireland and the pubs there are always nice." I say once I can think again.

The interview seems to drop her smile a little before going right back at it and asking Zayn a question.

I zone out again as the interviewer appears more interested in the other boys than me. I can't think too much because it feels like someone cranked the heat up as I start to sweat.

Liam leans over to me and asks, "Are you alright Niall?"

"Yeah, um I need a quick break if that's alright." I say before leaping off the couch and making my way to the restroom.

I peel off my sweatshirt as I feel the cooler air in the bathroom, unfortunately it does nothing for my heat wave. I start panting and rest my head against the cool tile wall as I take my SnapBack off to let my ears out and release my tail from its confines.

Yeah, I Niall Horan have a cat tail and ears. I was born this way, no one knows how but I've managed to keep it hidden from everyone except Liam.

"Niall, are you alright in there?" Liam asks while knocking on the stall door.

"Liam, my cat bits are acting up; what's the date today?"

"The 23rd, but Niall-"

"Crap, Liam today's the start of my pre-heat symptoms."

"I know, but Niall-"

"I gotta get out of here before they get worse, if anyone else finds out I'm toast."

"Niall open the door and don't freak out okay." Liam says calmly, which makes me freak out inside because Liam's only calm in the presence of others.

I open the door slowly and peer out to see four pairs of eyes trained on me.

"Well this isn't good." I mutter before I feel myself start to faint. Luckily the boys grab me before I fall.

"Whoa Niall, what can we do to help? Come on, tell us what you need and we'll help you get it." Louis says as the boys try to comfort me.

I feel myself panic and stutter out 'I can'ts' as a knock comes on the door.

"Everything alright in there?"

"No, um Niall's not feeling well and we need to get him back to the flat now." Liam says as Zayn grabs me by the shoulders and tries to keep me coherent.

"Let's get you out of here Niall. Louis, grab his stuff as help me get him dressed properly real quick." He says while trying to get my tail to cooperate.

I let out a weak 'mew' as I feel myself being picked up and start to purr once I take in Harry's scent.

"Keep it down little kitty, we can't have people finding out just yet." Harry says while I nuzzle into his chest as he rubs my back.

"Alright, SnapBack on and Harry grab his tail will you." Louis says while Harry grabs my tail and tucks it under my shirt. I can't help but release another meow as his hand touches my fur.

"Geeze Niall, we all know you're attracted to Haz, but please keep it down until we get into the van." Louis remarks as I feel Harry move.

"Let's be quick boys." Liam says as we take off towards the car.

Shortly after we make it to the car I feel myself slip further into my cat instincts and rub my cheek against Harry's chest.

"Li?" Zayn questions as they all watch me.

"He's going into heat like you heard earlier and the pre- heat consists of three phases: the body heats up, which is why he's sweating so much, then he gets really cuddly and marks his mate with his scent,-"


"Hush, yes mate, and then there's the get ready stage where he'll lock himself in his room and make a nest basically for him to use to keep comfortable while in heat.

"What does he make the nest out of and what happens to the mate?" Zayn questions on our way to the flat.

"He'll make the nest out of his clothes and his mates', and then he lets out little signals to attract the mate for them to be together with during his three day heat." Liam says, ignoring Harry's remark of 'so that's where all my clothes have disappeared to.'

"And what happens if his mate doesn't come?" Louis asks.

"His heat will last longer and get to the point where it will be completely unbearable and he'll be more isolated when his heat's finally over."

"Oh." Louis says before I feel four pairs of eyes on me again.

"How did you guys know all this?" I ask the next week after my heat lifted.

"Well Liam informed us on the way home when you were all wonky and, aside from what you said, most of us already knew you were a cat hybrid. You're not that good at keeping a secret." Louis says from where we're all gathered in the living room together.

"Right. And this doesn't change anything does it?" I whisper, in fear of the answer.

"Aside from the fact that you and Harry are together now, and that you go into heat every four months, no nothing has really changed between us."

"Good." I say, feeling Harry kiss my kitten ears as I cuddle in his lap and think of how good this turned out to be.

AN: So, yeah, it's been a while. Well, here's the next one up, and yes a few more will be posted today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!!!! The baby of the group is finally 21, haha! Hope you guys enjoyed this one, because I do this for you. And a massive THANK YOU to anyone who has read you're in control of my heart: 1,000 views make my heart flutter :) Until next time. 

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