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' Cheshire Cat '

UNDERNEATH HIS STOIC EXTERIOR ARE THE ECHOES OF A TWISTED SOUL, warning those who get too close of the dangers that come with acquainting one's self with Chishiya Shuntaro. Everything about him spelled trouble, from the way he carried himself in an air of nonchalance no matter how disturbing the situation may be, to his chestnut irises that glinted in condescension as he scrutinized Riko's entire being in search of a crack in her character.

Although accepting her proposal would be the most logical thing to do given that alliances are crucial in surviving certain death games, he knew that it would eventually lead to some sort of betrayal to save one's own skin. And while being responsible for another person's demise is something he's already well familiar with, a part of him didn't want to team up with someone as stubborn and seemingly indispensable as her. That would defeat the whole purpose of it, since he needed someone who he could easily control, like a sacrificial lamb or bait when he gets caught in a pinch. But, at the same time, he can't deny that her rather pleasant disposition would someday be of importance to him, especially with his plans of probing other players for information regarding a certain organization.

"Fine. Let's be partners."

The electricity in the supermarket suddenly cuts off, leaving the two in the dark with only the crescent moon's light seeping through the windows. Even so, Chishiya swore he saw her visibly light up as she exclaimed, "I knew you'd come around!"

While she admits she has a few shortcomings, she isn't completely stupid—pairing up with him is clearly a disaster in the making, as he had already revealed that his actions are merely for self-interest. She knew that his self-complacency comes from something much more than just being used to seeing violence, perhaps sociopathy or simply a blatant disregard for human life—whichever the case, she's certain that he only sees her as an expendable pawn.

Nevertheless, his ability to remain level-headed regardless of the situation is exactly what makes him quite the ally, and the differences in their personalities are what fill in the gaps in each other's weaknesses. What one didn't have, the other could make up for, and she could already see him being her voice of reason should she ever fling herself into danger in the name of emotions. So, instead of running away and saving herself from potential conflict, Riko finds herself following him out of the mart carrying a bag filled with groceries.

"This is so unfair." She grunts, "I've suffered more from that poisonous apple than you did, so shouldn't you be carrying all of these?"

"At least I'm helping you." He raises the two lightweight bags he carried with ease, taunting her. "I'm even slowing down my pace."

She scoffs. "I'm grateful for the bare minimum, truly I am, but you can't really expect me to not be mad when you left me to do all the work! Not only that, you also only chose to come back once I was done filling them all up and grabbed the lightest bags just so you can say that you helped!"

"I was thinking."

"And you can't do that while grocery shopping?"

"Both of the twins wore matching wristbands. One of them dropped it in the middle of their argument, and the other mentioned something about him wanting to leave a certain place. Surely you've noticed."

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