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' Mad Hatter '

     THE BEACH, SIMPLY PUT, IS A GAME OF THRONES. Covered in an elaborate tapestry of lies, it presents itself as a utopia to unknowing players desperate to find any sort of gratification to keep themselves sane, no matter the cost. But, under the surface, it's a cult with a hierarchical system, held together by a thin string of false hope and strengthened by groundless promises that their leader—Hatter, as An called him—would spew out. It's a brewing ground for treachery, a pitiful excuse to commit various crimes against humanity supposedly in the name of the greater good, and it would only be a matter of time before its paradisal facade crumbles.

     Or at least, that's what Riko sees it to be. It's uncharacteristically pessimistic, but she truly couldn't see a silver lining in the Beach's whole premise no matter how hard she tried. Had helping the players been the purpose of its establishment, more rules would have been implemented, those of which would be centered on the safety of its members. And yet, according to An, they only had three.

     "It's best for the boss to explain it to you," She tells her as she turns the engine off. "Although, at this hour, I reckon that he might be busy with his. . . nightly activities."

     "Is that so?" Riko muses, leaning closer to An and resting her arms on the passenger seat, building up the weight on her next words. "And here I thought he'd be more excited to get his hands on such high numbered cards. A five of clubs, or. . ."

     An's lips slightly tug upwards, an indication of her growing interest, while the other two players turn to each other in surprise. Smirking at their reactions, she nudges Chishiya, signaling him to continue her sentence.

     ". . . a six of diamonds. . ." He drawls.

     ". . . or maybe, a six of hearts?"

     There's a brief silence, the weight of their revelations sinking in, and broken when she opens the car door. "Alright, follow me."

     Despite knowing that stroking his already enormous ego might someday bite her, she figures that clearing a diamond game, much more of the said level, is a feat worth commending. So, Riko playfully wiggles her eyebrows at Chishiya, mouthing a 'good job' for both their teamwork and his achievement, before exiting the vehicle and leaving him stunned.

     The aftermath of a night well-spent greets them upon their arrival, strobe lights circling around several slumbering bodies collapsed on beach chairs and even on each other. Alcohol bottles rolled on the floor, some ending up floating on the pool along with discarded swimwear. What once was a typical scene now turned into a refreshing sight for the two newcomers, and had it not been the looming threat of chaos ensuing, she's sure she would have felt right at home.

     Contrary to its messy pool area, the inside of the hotel is dead silent, save for their footsteps and some faint, questionable noises coming from some of the rooms. They walk along the corridors, passing by some terror-stricken players still up and about, and into a rather spacious room. With its large windows and the conference table pushed to the side, Riko suspects it to be their meeting area, and she's later proven correct when An excuses herself to gather the other executives.

     To relieve her boredom as they wait, Riko breaks the silence. "So, what do you think of the Beach?"

     "Suffocating." Chishiya answered plainly. "And also quite promising. To our plan, that is."

     "It seems as though you've forgotten the most integral step yet again."

     "Which is?" He asks, feigning ignorance.

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