Chapter 13

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"You're one lucky guy," their manager said that morning to Ruki. "Lapone went easy on you this time."

Lucky was not quite the word he would use to describe his situation at the moment. He actually felt like shit—he was hungover and seriously wondered if he was experiencing heartbreak. After all, he had more or less been rejected by Momoko. 

"However, the company is really embarrassed that you made a female labelmate uncomfortable, so they want you to do a bit more than apologize," their manager continued. "They've decided that you will have a photoshoot with Ito Momoko in which you will be on your best behavior and show her, through a successful, professional photoshoot, that you are truly sorry." 

Ruki, who had been staring catatonically at the wall, suddenly turned to their manager, his eyes wide in shock. "Wait a minute, the company actually wants me to have a photoshoot with her?" 

This definitely surpasses anything I expected from this situation, he thought. 

"Yes, the company is convinced that, despite your recent disregard for your contract, you're more than capable of winning people over with your charms, as long as you're not drinking, that is." 

Ruki made a confused expression. 

Noticing Ruki's look, the manager added, "Don't act all surprised. We all know you take the prince thing really seriously." 

"I know better than anybody what my image is," Ruki muttered, "I just didn't think the company would include me being around Ito Momoko as part of the way for me to make amends. It seems kind of strange." 

The manager shrugged, "I just assured the company that you didn't know Ito Momoko-san personally at all, and that this could have only been due to overdrinking and...hormones or something equally stupid. You're usually quite the gentleman." 

"Thanks for defending me, manager," Ruki replied, a half-hearted smile forming on his face. 

"It's not a problem. We're on the same team, aren't we?" 

Ruki nodded slowly. "Yeah." 

Their manager smiled. "Good to hear. Anyway, you'll be going to Karuizawa for the photoshoot on Friday since they want it to be a winter-themed photoshoot, and there's already snow up there, apparently." 

"Karuizawa? Isn't that like an hour away?" 

"Yup. The company is really going to great lengths to show Ito they're—you're—sorry."     

"Hmm." Though Ruki agreed that he owed Momoko a big apology, a whole snow photoshoot in Karuizawa did seem a little excessive. Okay, actually a lot.

Not to mention the whole thing was going to be very, very awkward.

"I won't be going with you, though, since I have to take care of the rest of the kids here," he continued. "You just have to promise me to not break any more rules or drink while you're there." 

"I promise," Ruki agreed, hoping that he would be able to live up to that promise. 


Friday arrived sooner than Ruki wanted it to. Though he had received some strange looks from Lapone employees that had heard about or were present at his unfortunate episode, he had managed to live unconfronted over the past few days.

Ruki bade a fretful farewell to Sho who only shook his head as if to say, This is what you get for being a sneaky jerk. Shion and Syoya were of the opinion that Ruki should be grateful to be traveling out of Tokyo for once. Junki, on the other hand, was more impressed that Ruki would be alone (meaning not with JO1) with a girl. "Better be careful up there," Keigo called to Ruki last second, "I heard it snows a lot." Ruki only stared back at him in confusion, not being able to tell if he was joking or not.

Ruki's Guide to Love and Fear (A JO1/Shiroiwa Ruki Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now