Chapter 2

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It wasn't until two days later that Ruki finally got home early enough to walk to the konbini. The other two days were so packed that when Ruki finally got home, he only wanted to sleep. 

He had grabbed his keys, wallet, and the girl's keychain was about to leave when Shion came barreling into his room.

"Ruki, where are you going?" Shion said in a sing-song-y voice.

Ruki didn't actually have a little brother, but he imagined that Shion probably fit the role of the "annoying" younger brother perfectly.

"To the konbini," Ruki said opaquely, not wanting to reveal his plans to Shion.

"Can I come?" 

Ruki sighed. "Uh, not this time, Shion. I want to go alone this time."

Shion pouted. "Fine, but can you please buy me some snacks?"

"Fine, but you have to promise to not touch my sodas."

"Deal. You're the best, Ruki!" Shion said, starting up his usual playful antics.

"I know," Ruki answered, giving Shion a cheesy smile. 

Before anyone else could intercept him, Ruki put on his mask and sunglasses, and slipped out the front door.

It took about twenty minutes for Ruki to walk to Nice Burger. When he stepped into the restaurant, he was surprised to see that it was shabbier than he expected, not that he was in any position to judge anyone's financial situation—he hadn't had a stable income until becoming a member of JO1 last year.

"Irasshaimase!" a middle-aged woman called from the front counter.

Ruki walked up the counter, and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um, excuse me, is there a girl who works here who has long black hair and wears a lot of dark makeup?"

The woman studied him for a second before responding. He took off his sunglasses and tried to smile at her with his eyes.

"You mean my daughter, Momoko?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, m'am," he replied. "Can I talk to her for a second?"

The woman's look softened, and she lowered her voice. "Don't tell me you're her friend? She hasn't had one of those in ages!"

Oh, I was not expecting that. At her words, his heart hurt a little. Should I lie to make her happy? No, bad idea. Better stick to the plan.

"We're just acquaintances," he said.

The gleam in her mother's eye wavered. "Momoko, there's a handsome boy who wants to talk to you!" she called.

Damn, how did that manage to be so flattering yet so embarrassing? Also, how did she know I'm handsome if half my face is covered by my mask?

Momoko emerged from the back of the restaurant. She looked the same as the other day, except she was wearing a big black sweater that made her look like she was being swallowed by the abyss.

"Hi," he greeted. "Do you remember me, the locust guy?"

Really, the locust guy? That's how I'm going to refer to myself?

She looked confused for a moment then opened her mouth in recognition, "That's right! You're the guy who's afraid of bugs!"

He resisted the urge to physically recoil from her words. He was used to being referred to in a little more flattering terms than "the guy who's afraid of bugs."

He took a deep breath and swallowed his pride. "Yup, that's me! Anyway, I think you may have dropped this when you delivered my food." 

He pulled her keychain out of his pocket and held it out in front of him.

She gasped as if he just produced a million dollars out of thin air. "My keychain!"

As she reached out to grab her keychain, her fingertips accidentally touched his fingertips. Instantly, his cheeks heated up, and his heart started racing.

Oh no! She must have triggered my fear again!

He snatched his hand out of her reach and shoved it into his pocket. 

"Thank you so much," she cried.

"D-don't mention it," he stuttered, wanting to escape the restaurant as soon as possible. With a small bow, he turned to leave.

"Wait, what's your name?" she asked, suddenly.

The fear must have taken over his brain because he responded, "Shiroiwa Ruki," without thinking. 

Shit. She already knows where I liveall she has to do is search my name somewhere or randomly see me on an advertisement, and, poof, the whole world will know where JO1's apartment is. Nice one, Ruki.

"I'm Ito Momoko," she answered back.

"Nice to meet you," he said with more sincerity than he actually felt. 

He bowed politely again and left. He could feel sweat dripping down his back.

Outside of the restaurant, he leaned against the restaurant wall to catch his breath. His heart was still racing. He breathed in and out until he could feel his heart beating normally. 

I definitely acquired another fear. But it's whatever, right? I don't have to eat at Nice Burger ever again. Problem solved.

He started walking again, his heart feeling lighter already.


It didn't occur to him later when he got back to the apartment that maybe he wasn't done dealing with Ito Momoko. For one, she potentially knew too much about him—his name and his address was damning enough.

What, should I blackmail her? He instantly rejected the idea. No, too drastic.

As Ruki was walking to his room, he was suddenly intercepted by Sukai.

"Ruki!" Sukai called, "Where were you?"

"I went to the konbini," Ruki said, walking into his room. "Didn't Shion tell you?"

"No," Sukai said, laughing, "We've been laughing about Shion tearing his pants for about the past thirty minutes."

"Again?" Ruki said, suppressing a smile.

"Wait a minute. What do you mean again?" Sukai asked, starting to laugh. Sufficiently amused, Sukai turned around to go back to his room.

"Wait," Ruki said, suddenly thinking back to the girl, "I have a serious question for you, Sukai."

"So suddenly?"

"Uh, yeah. So I developed another fear."

"Of what?"

"It's a secret since it's kind of dumb. Anyway," Ruki made eye contact with Sukai, "what should I do, Sukai: face my fear head on or ignore it completely?"

Sukai stood thinking for a second. "Face it head on. Definitely. If you ignore it, it will only get worse."

"Is that so? Well, those are definitely wise words, as expected from our sensible little brother, Kinjo Sukai."

"I know you can do it, Ruki. You're not the prince for nothing, you know."

Ruki smiled genuinely at Sukai. "Thanks."

After Sukai left, Ruki sat thinking for a moment. Should he just face her head on? Even if he should, how was he going to do that?

Before he could overthink, he realized how exhausted he was, so he readied himself for bed and fell asleep almost instantly after his head hit the pillow.


Author's Note

irasshaimase - welcome to the store

Ruki's Guide to Love and Fear (A JO1/Shiroiwa Ruki Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now