Chapter 3

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Even though Sukai told him to face his fears head on, Ruki forgot about the whole thing for a week. It wasn't until the members of JO1 were filming a second part of Keigo's haunted house that Ruki remembered again.

All of the members were gathered together outside of a "haunted" building, waiting to go inside. They had been told they would be going in after fifteen minutes, but now they had already been waiting for half an hour. Their manager appeared, after talking to the staff, with a serious look on his face.

"I apologize for the hold up, guys," their manager announced. "I need to talk to Ruki for a second."

Me? Ruki thought, a bit stunned. Usually when there were serious matters to be discussed, Sho would be informed first; Ren was informed first if Sho wasn't around. Ruki followed their manager to a distance away from JO1 in which they wouldn't be overheard.

"Look, the director didn't want to tell you because it could possibly ruin your reaction later when we're filming, but we have a problem. We hired a young lady to dress up as a ghost and scare you guys in the building, but we found out only about forty minutes ago that she hadn't shown up, and that she wouldn't be showing up at all because she had a last minute emergency."

Ruki raised his eyebrow. What does this have to do with me, exactly?

"All the people we called to replace the lady inexplicably can't make it, so this is where you come in. We hoped, since you're from this area of Tokyo, and you have connections to the entertainment industry from before JO1, that you possibly know of someone who could come dress up like a ghost...? We'll pay them above the normal wage."

Ruki stood silently for a moment. What the heck. He knew plenty of guys in the entertainment industry, but girls...He didn't think he knew any. Hell, he didn't even personally know girls outside of the entertainment industry. Except...

He knew it was a longshot, but he pulled out his phone anyway. "I might know someone," Ruki confirmed. "Leave it to me, manager."

Ruki dialed the number for Nice Burger, hoping Ito Momoko was there. He suddenly recalled Sukai's words—now was as good of a time as any to face his fears. Plus, Nice Burger looked like they could use some extra funding at the moment.

"Yes?" said a woman he assumed was Momoko's mother.

"Hello," Ruki said, "Is Ito Momoko there?"

"Who's calling?"

"This is Shiroiwa Ruki. I returned Ito Momoko's keychain last week, remember?"

"Oh yes! How could I forget your handsome face, Shiroiwa? Just a moment!"

A few seconds later, a deadpan voice sounded over the phone. "Yes?"

"Ito, it's me, Shiroiwa Ruki. I have a question for you."

Before he lost Momoko's attention, he explained the whole situation to her, emphasizing the higher pay rate, but failing to mention that the people she would be scaring were the members of JO1, and that he was a member of JO1. I'll tell her when she gets here, he thought.

"I'll do it," she said without hesitation.

"Oh, ok-kay," he said, flustered at her quick response, "I'll just send you the address right now. Can I have your cell phone number, please?"

He inwardly cringed. What a lame way to ask for a girl's number. Good thing I don't like her like that or anything.

She gave him her number, and he thanked her again before hanging up. As he sent her the address, doubts arose in his mind. Have I done the right thing? Was it really okay to ask her to come?

Ruki's Guide to Love and Fear (A JO1/Shiroiwa Ruki Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now