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"Single file line! Like a file drill. We'll be questioned less." Wheels said.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go." Missy speaks rushing everyone out the door.

(Y/n), missy and wild card gasp as they see the Aliens tentacles, (y/n) grabs wild cards hands and before they leave wild card looks at missy, " beginners luck." (Y/n) yanks wild card out of the room.

(Y/n) let's go of his hand and walks to the front with her arms crossed. Wild card try's to get next to her bug everyone else got in line behind her.

"Noodles, stretch and make yourself tall!" Missy yells from the back.

Noodle stretches, "greetings, fellow grown-ups." Noodle says walking passed them in the hallway.

"Hey." A woman responds. "Hold on one second. Hey!" As the lady realizes there the kids supposed to be in the stronghold.

The lady presses the alarm and the children start running, "a great way to celebrate a tuesday." (Y/n) mumbles.

Missy the bumps into someone, "I-I'm so sorry!" Missy says to the person she knocked over.

Turns out the person she knocked ove was miss granada, "seal the doors!" She yells.

When they get to the lobby a metal fence pops up, "were in trouble." Guppy announces.

They run the other way, but are meet by gaurds. "That was our only exit!" (Y/n) yells.

"Not are only one!" Wild card says pointing up to the ceiling. " are you insane how are we supposed to get up there?" Fast-foward said.

"A Capella? You made furniture float." Missy says but (y/n) finishes her sentence for her. "Can you do the same with people?" Questioned (y/n).

"To go very high i have to sing very.. ♪ low ♪"
A cappella sings.

"Climb as fast as you can!" Wild card says grabbing (y/n)'s hands. "Lady's first." He said.
"I don't need your help thank you very much." (Y/n) says mad but starts climbing wild card closely behind.

"Noodle open up the hatch." (Y/n) shouts.

Noodle opens the hatch and (y/n) hops out and also everyone behind her, they run to the train car.

"Don't let them follow us!" Missy tells A Capella.

"♪ adios ♪" A cappella sings.

All the agents fell on..


"Noodle access cards!" Wild card yells. Noodle stretches and swipes the cards.

Everyone hops in the train car, "yeah, we did it." Fast-forward says.

"But the tram will only take us to just outside the force field, then they'll catch us for sure." Wheels explains.

"Look! They're already mobilizing!" Wheels points to to the front of the tram.

Missy stands up, "brace Yourself's!" Missy tells everyone.

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