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The group starts running, "hurry up, slo-mo!" Wild card yells.

they find the ship and run up to a rock, "look, there's the supply ship. Just like in ojo's drawing!" Missy says.

Then tentacles come from behind a bush, "ew, gross!" all the kids say.

"Shh. Keep it down!" Missy tells them.

"Wait, wait a second. Let's go."

All the kids start running but (y/n) trips everyone makes it to the ship, a tentacles grabs her foot when she try's to get up.

"Okay, now shut the door let's get out of here." Missy rushes wheels.

"Wheels can you.." buts cut off by wheels.

"No! We're not all here!"

"What? Who's missing?"

"Me! I'm missing, so is slo-mo but there's a tentacles around my foot!" (Y/n) screams.

"Oh.." fast-forward sigs seeing slo-mo.

Everyone turns. "(Y/n)!" Wildcard yells.

"A cappella hum!" (Y/n) yells holding of the alien.

(Y/n) and a cappella hum and (y/n) grabs slo-mo's hand and they disappear.

"Hurry there coming back, where'd they go!" Guppy.

"Ten to one says there tentacled." Facemaker says.

"Dude!" Wheels and wild card say.

"Cmon, guys where are you." A cappella continues to hum.

"Hi?" (Y/n) says infront of them.

"Yes!" They all shout.

Wild card hugs (y/n) really quick, then wheels closes the door to the spacecraft and right then and there a tentacle hits the glass of the door everyone screams.

"Wheels, please tell me you figured this out!" Missy says scared.

"It's incredibly intuitive." Wheels says pressing a green button which starts to make the spaceship shake.

Then he presses another button whitch makes everyone standing hit the wall.

"Please just choose any button!" Missy shouts.

"It might be one of these!" Wheels says.

Another tentacle hit the glass of the door making it crack and everyone scream.

Guppy runs up to the chair of buttons and hits one that makes the spaceship engine start, the spaceship flies up out of the atmosphere and into space.

"But now what." Noodles asks stopping from looking out the window and turning around.

Missy and (y/n) look at each then missy starts to talk, "don't worry any minute now, ojo's gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging our parents." Missy say hopeful then looks at ojo. "Isn't that right, ojo?"

Ojo shakes her head, hugging her ipad.

"Oh, that's just great." Noodles putting up his arms the back down again.

Missy scratches her head wild card walks around the chair, "hey.. why did you choose me to share the idea of looking at ojo's ipad, why not (y/n)?" Wild card whispers.

"I don't know. Also (y/n) does know she has superhearing.. iguess i know how it feels when everyone expects so much from you, and you feel like you can't deliver." Missy explains.

Wild card looks at (y/n) she looks back at him and smiles he smiles a tiny smile then turns back to missy, "do you believe i can?" Wild card questions.

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