Monster energy ~ Joel

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"Y/N, you know those are really bad for you, "my coworker. Joel says, as I open another monster.

This is my second one today. Why? I have repetitive night mares and they kept me up all night. I have no energy. At what do I do? I drink 2 monsters.

" Joel I know. But I was up allnight from the stupid nightmares. Can you blame me?" I say.

"Again? I really think you should see someone about this, y/n,"he says.

"you don't think I tried that already? It made them worse,"i-say.

"You look like you haven't slept in days, y/n. Are you sure you want to continue your shift today?" Hoppo says, coming out of his office.

"Hoppo, I'm fine."

"Monsters are so bad for you. I don't want to see you drinking another one," hoppo says

I'm practically already falling asleep.

"Y/n do you want to go lay down? You look like you're going to fall asleep, "joelsays.

I shake my head as I finish my monster.

"Y/n you need it. Go lay down or I'm sending you home. " Hoppo says.

I do, just to make them happy. To my surprise I actually fall asleep only to Wake Up 20 minutes later panting.

"Bad dream?" Joel asks.

I nod.

"you really weren't kidding?" he says.

'It's getting too nearly every night, Joel. I can't take it, "I say.

"Why don't I come stay at your place tonight ? Make sure you get some sleep," he says.

I just shrug.

"I'll take that as a yes."

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