Labor ~ all

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I'm at the beach as I'm not due for another three weeks. I was lucky enough to not be put on bed rest.

My boyfriend, Jesse, is currently working. So he's been checking in on me every so often.

I stand up to go to the bathroom but as I do, my water breaks.

Shit. This isn't good. I'm not due for another three weeks.

The contractions start as I'm halfway to the the tower.

I do not want to have this baby on the beach that's for sure.

To my luck, Maxi and Reidy drive by in the rhino, and stop when they notice me.

"Hey, Y/N, what's happened?" Reidy asks.

"My water just broke. I'm not due for another three weeks," I say, panicking.

"Hey, listen, don't panic ok? We're gonna get you to the tower. Maxi, can you radio Jesse and tell him to meet us at the tower?" Reidy says, helping me into the rhino.

"He's on his way," maxi says.

They get me to the tower and Jesse is already there.

"I thought you weren't due for another three weeks?" Jesse says, helping me into the tower.

"I know..." I say, groaning as I get a contraction.

They get me onto the bed.

"Hey, I've called an ambulance but they said that it's gonna take a while. There was a huge accident somewhere and uh yeah. So we're just gonna have to try to keep her comfortable until it gets here," Harries says.

"Jesse...I hate you..." I groan, through a contraction.

He just laughs.

"You don't hate me babe."

Hoppo walks in the see how things are going with everyone else but stops when he sees me surrounded by everyone.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"She went into labor. We don't know when the ambulance is getting here," Maxi says, as Jesse sits down.

"Oh god. Sweetie, do you want me to call Deano?" Hoppo asks.

Deano is like a father to me. I moved here from New Zealand after I was kicked out. He let me stay with him until I could find a place of my own. Eventually I moved in with Jesse.

"Please?" I say, looking up at him.

"Hey, can we get Deano to the tower?" Hoppo radios. "Riedy and Maxi, can you guys go back out and patrol?"

Riedy and Maxi go back out as Deano walks in.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asks.

"Y/N went into labor. I know how much she considers you as a father to her, and I figured she'd probably want you to be here," Hoppo says.

Deano immediately comes over to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, guys, the ambulance just called and said we're gonna end up delivering the baby here. They're trying to get here as soon as they can. But they said to get her leaning up against something so she's not completely flat," Harries says.

They've already draped a towel over my legs, and Jesse gets ready to deliver the baby. I'd prefer him do it than Hoppo or Harries.

Deano sits behind be and let's me lean against him.

I feel like I need to push. I think the guys notice.

"Whenever you feel the need to push, go ahead and do it, ok honey?" Deano says, as Hoppo gets the green whistle ready for after.

I start pushing until Jesse tells me to stop.

"Jesse... I swear to god if you do this to me again you're dead.."

The cycle repeats until Jesse wraps the baby in a towel and places it in my arms as I lean back into Deano, exhausted.

Hoppo hands me the green whistle for the pain and Deano ends up holding it for me.

"Jesse, is it a girl or a boy?" I ask, quietly.

"It's a girl," Jesse says, grabbing my hand.

"Did you guys have a name planned?" Harries asks.

I look at Jesse, and he nods.

"Lucia," I say, quietly.

"You better stay with them Pollock, otherwise I'll be coming after you," Hoppo says.

The ambulance finally gets here and Jesse comes with me to the hospital.

Wow, sorry this one was kinda long. But I wanted to do something like this for a bit. Deano seems like such a sweet guy, and speaking of that,  I sent the boys (and Jules) a massive thank you because I found the show at a time where I wasn't doing well mentally and the show has kept me going so yeah. But yeah. Jules and Deano responded and it meant so much to me. I can't get over the fact that Jules wrote out an entire reply. I wrote int the first paragraph that I knew that they were busy. So just the fact that they took the time out of their day to read it and respond just means a lot. I really didn't expect Deano to respond because he seems like a shy guy but yeah.

Oh and also, Kerrbox followed me the other day

Oh and also, Kerrbox followed me the other day

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