Chapter 7:The Beginning

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Quirah's Notes:

I've made y'all wait long enough, so here it is, some things will be explained in this chapter and "SECRETS" will come out!! Please comment, fan, promote, and vote!! Oh and for those of you who have noticed the dates at the beginning of chapters, that's simply when I started writing the chapter, nothing involved in the book, Happy Reading:)


Chapter 7: The Beginning

I wake up with a horrible headache, my body hurts, I feel like I've been ran over by a car and set on fire. The most pain is coming from my shoulder, there's a throbbing pain in my neck and I feel slightly dizzy. I sit up in my bed noticing the room is dark but I can see everything fine. How? Memories from earlier pop into my mind and I start to cry. I killed everyone, that can't be possible. Jason can't be a vampire, I can't be one either, vampires don't exist, they're not real.

If I were a vampire that would mean my parents aren't my real parents. Humans can't have vampire babies, Vampires can't even have vampire babies, maybe there's a possibility I was infected. Or maybe Jason changed me when I got here and forced me to forget.

"I guess there are some things that need to be discussed," Rebecca says from a dark corner in my room, where she sits in a chair watching me intently, I jump when hearing her voice.

"I'm so sorry Rebecca," I sob wiping my tears away from my face, I killed her children, why am I still in her house? Why is she even letting me live at all.

She waves a hand to silence me "Make yourself presentable and come down stairs we've been waiting for weeks now." With that she leaves my room closing the door behind her. Waiting for weeks now for what? I couldn't have possibly been out of it for weeks.

I stand up and almost fall I'm so dizzy but I make it to my closet. I throw on a pair of simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt that hangs loosely from my skin. I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair. I barely notice my own reflection: Dead-looking red hair, my eyes look darker than ever like the bags under my them, and my skin is extremely pale. I don't have the energy to put any makeup on so I simply comb my hair and head downstairs.

The hallway is quiet and when I go into the living I'm surprised to find it empty and clean. I walk through the kitchen which is also empty, and I walk into the dinning room finally finding life. The table that fits twelve is full with ten unfamiliar faces besides Rebecca and John.

"Rachel dear," John says with a light smile "Sit," He gestures to the a chair where everyone can see me.

I awkwardly sit in the seat as they all stair at me, a man with short black hair, and gold eyes opens a file "Rachel Charlotte Lancaster," He says pushing his glasses up on his nose, he looks at me, he's around his mid thirties.

"That's not me," I say since my last name is Adams and not Lancaster.

"Oh you clueless child," A woman with cold hard eyes and short brown hair says "Don't interrupt again," She snaps at me.

"Watch how you talk to her, Olivia," Rebecca growls at the woman and John places a hand on her arm.

The woman simply rolls her eyes but I can tell Rebecca intimidates her, hell she's intimidating me right now.

"Rachel," A woman who looks around her late 20's says softly "There's a lot you don't know and it needs to be explained." She looks at me with a caring expression, even though I have no idea who she is.

"Yes, Leighton's right," A booming masculine voice says "This would be much easier if your parents would have explained everything to you as a child." I look around to see a man with tan skin, curly brown hair, a muscular body, and gorgeous light blue eyes, talking. He doesn't sound mean or aggravated only sad and sympathetic.

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