2. Meeting Him The Second Time

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                               For anyone confused with Jeff's facial features, I'm describing the improved version of Jeff by BanningK. 

                                  "Every adventure requires a first step."

                                                                                ~The Cheshire Cat



It was your day off of work. Instead of spending the day relaxing and watching a movie/TV show, you decided that you wanted to see the infamous Slenderman. You did some research last night about him. The lore, where he came from, what he does...You had little to no sleep when you found out how lucky you were.

According to the internet he is known as a german faerie. When a victim would cross paths with the tall creature, they would meet a horrible fate. Or he'll let them go, continuing to stalk them, watch their health deteriorate. The symptoms of the Slender-sickness - you learned- include: coughing, intense migraines, vomiting, mood swings, hallucinations, and amnesia. 

You felt fine, however. Nothing out of the ordinary. You even checked your temperature, to no avail. 

Putting on your coat, you eventually left the house, striding into the nearby forest. You couldn't help but feel that the atmosphere changed as if the environment was welcoming you with open arms.

Once you were surrounded by nothing but trees and shrubs, with an occasional sound of birds chirping overhead, you took a deep breath and called out: "Hello?..uh...Slenderman?" Your voice faded when saying his name. A static rang in your ears for a millisecond. "Ah, Y/n, I was wondering when I'd see you again."  You hesitated, "He-hello."

He stood 6 meters away from you, hands together behind his back. The fact that he could speak was as fascinating as his appearance. "I'm sure you have questions. Walk with me, I promise to bring you back home safely."

He turned to the side, bowed his head, and with his right arm, gestured you to go first. 'Is this a trick?' You thought, a little skeptical. He shook his head. "It's no trick. You have my word."

Both of you spent the whole afternoon talking. He wanted to know more about you, what you liked, your hobbies, your childhood, etc. You laughed at his small stories and rants about his experience living through centuries walking on this earth. You were no longer scared of him anymore. In fact, both of you became decent friends.


Jeff the Killer:

It's been two days since the encounter with the scarred face intruder. You were in your room making your bed. You froze when you heard the sound of glass setting down on the counter from downstairs. Heart hammering, you stayed quiet. 'Maybe I'm just scaring myself,' you thought. 

But then you heard the stool being dragged a bit. There was someone definitely downstairs. The image of the man popped into your head like your mind was telling you that it was him in the kitchen, coming back to kill you.

Inhaling, you muster up the courage and went downstairs. Entering the kitchen, you froze again. There he was, sitting on a stool holding a glass of Tequila Rose with the bottle in front of him. He raised a brow, silently critiquing the beverage. Your fear and shock turned into irritation. He was drinking your alcohol without even asking!

"Oh, yeah. Make yourself at home." You said with a hint of sarcasm. His eyes shot up at you, one was a faded blue and the other was glossed over. "You have terrible taste in drinks." He said bluntly.

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