Chapter 8.

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Draco and Hermione returned to Shell Cottage shortly afterwards, having first stopped off at Lucius' home to collect a suitcase full of clothes, and then a dash to a Muggle supermarket for a larger supply of provisions.

"Hello father!" Said Draco pushing open the door of the cottage. "What the hell have you been up to?"

Lucius almost ran across the room to embrace his son.  "Draco! Thank you for coming! How are you? How's Astoria and Scorpius?"

"Good, good" he grinned, "all are well" he then turned to his Godfather who was stood in back in the shadows of the kitchen door seemingly not wishing to intrude on the reunion.  "Hello Severus.  Long time, no see."  He strode over to the older wizard and shook his hand.  "It's good to see you" he added warmly.

"You too Draco.  You're looking well."

"Yes, thank you.  I've just come back from St Lucia.  There's a Wizard Colony on the south of the island and they've a fantastic hotel.  Didn't want to come back really."

All four chatted whilst eating a simple lunch - Draco was more than happy to join them, and Hermione smiled at Severus as she could see him starting to relax a little, joining in the good humoured banter between them all.  After they had cleared up Severus suggested to Hermione that they leave Lucius and Draco and go for a walk along the beach and the dunes. 

The leaden sky above them threatened to snow and Severus flicked a warming spell around them as they walked along the small wooden promenade that ran the length of the beach past the now deserted golf course and onwards towards the seal colony at Holme.  Hermione placed her small hand in the crook of his arm and instantly felt sheltered and comforted by his presence.  They walked in silence at the beginning, enjoying the sound of the waves crashing in the distance and the seagulls above them, screeching as they rode the wind.  A week before Christmas and the poor weather of late left the walk devoid of anyone aside from a couple of hardy fishermen and a dog walker or two.

"I bet it's beautiful here in the summer" said Hermione eventually breaking the silence, drawing in a large lungful of salty sea air.  "Did you know that Hunstanton is the only seaside resort on the east of England that actually faces west?  It's on a peninsula that sticks up."

"I didn't know that" replied Severus earnestly, the looking at her with a slight twinkle in his eye "Ever the Insufferable Know It All, Miss Granger."

Hermione smiled and squeezed his arm.  "You were so mean to me back at school." She chided "You were mean to everyone." 

"I was.  I had to be." He replied, stopping in his tracks and turning to face her.  "To all intents and purposes I was a bonafide Death Eater, spying for Voldemort.  It wouldn't have looked in character if I'd been Mister Popularity would it? It was a part I was playing and I had no choice but to play it well.  Secretly though I was applauding your tenacity and drive.  Who wouldn't? You were brilliant."  He moved his hand to brush away a tendril of hair that was blowing across her face.  "You still are."

The kiss this time was gentle, yet absolutely full of meaning and unspoken words.  His hands held each side of her head as he brought his own down to capture her soft lips tasting the  saltiness from the sea air.

As the kiss deepened he moved his hands downwards, spanning her slim waist and pulling him nearer to her.  Eventually they broke apart, their hearts both beating a similar rapid tattoo.  It was then they looked up and realised that the snow was starting to fall in soft flakes around them, turning the promenade and the grasses behind them to white.  Even the damp sand was cool enough for the ice cold snow to settle.

"Come on" said Severus, taking her small hand in his.  "Let's go back before the weather worsens.  By the look of that cloud it's going to be set in for the long haul."

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