Chapter 9.

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"How was Lucius when you told him you weren't staying for Christmas?"

Hermione was in the kitchen of Shell Cottage, having just finished scourgifying the supper items, and was now bringing a mug of hot chocolate to both her and Severus. Lucius had retired to bed earlier with a book although she was sure it was just so he wasn't 'playing gooseberry'.

"He was fine. Draco will be here tomorrow with Astoria and Scorpius and I'm sure they'll have a lovely Christmas." He looked at her and frowned. "You're doing it again." He said.

She looked up at him. "Doing what?" She asked.

"Biting your lip. I've noticed you do that when you're avoiding asking me something."

"Really?" He nodded.

"Come along Miss Granger, spit it out."

"Well, ok... I fired a quick owl to Ginny at Grimmauld Place to say I was changing my Christmas plans and she replied back to ask us if we both wanted to go to them for Christmas Day - they'd love to see you too."

Severus looked at her as if she'd just told him aliens had landed. "They want ME? Pahhh! I don't believe it for a minute. They're just being polite."

"Oh Severus they're not. I know you and Harry didn't always see eye to eye but that was a long time ago. Won't you let bygones be bygones?"

"You honestly think Potter would want me sat playing Happy Families around his dinner table?" He scoffed.

"Yes Severus." She began to get her dander up now. "I think it was a kind offer and you're being rather churlish to take the invitation in anyway other than which it was intended; in friendship. Harry is holding out the olive branch, can't you just see your way to grasping it?" When he failed to respond she realised she needed to change tack, and her voice softened.  "It's Christmas Severus, the season of goodwill to all men and all that.  I love The Potters; they're like family to me..."

"Well they're not family to me!" He answered grumpily.  "I wanted to spend Christmas with you.  Just you. I've already agreed to spend Boxing Day at the Burrow."

"And we can spend time together.  I'll come back to yours with you tomorrow or you can come to mine and we've still a time before Christmas Day itself.  You wouldn't have to stay at Grimmauld, we'd just go to them for the day?"

He sighed. She was right, he WAS being unreasonable. They were her friends after all and if he was to stand any chance at having any sort of relationship with her he'd have to give a little. He wouldn't like it though. At all.

"Fine." His reply coming eventually was monosyllabic.

"Fine? You'll come?"

"I said so didn't I? Not that I shall enjoy it but I shall do it for you."

"Thank you" she smiled at him. One of those sincere deep smiles that he loved. The kind that made butterflies turn in his stomach and make him want to take her. Possess her, there and then, in the fullest sense of the word. He was still having thoughts of a salacious nature when she'd kissed him Goodnight and promised to return the next morning.  He's wanted to stop her from leaving.  He wanted to take her hand and lead her to his bed and ravish her all night long but something was holding him back and he said nothing allowing her to disappear into the leaden night which was as heavy as his heart.

Sleep eluded him for the longest time, and eventually giving up on slumber, he got out of bed and took himself back into the lounge, pouring himself a large glass of firewhiskey and stoking up the fire.

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