Chapter 2: Beverly Hills

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       After hours of being on the plane, we have finally made it! Whew- I'm actually a little nervous but also excited. The plane ride wasn't so bad, dads pilot made things less scary which was refreshing. Once we landed I saw paparazzi running from the inside of the airport and my first question to my dad was, " how do they even know where freaking here right now? ". Why did I even ask this question, when the answer is just as clear, Karen. As soon as we walked off the plane so many cameras swarmed around us with tons of flashes I couldn't escape. Thankfully dad's security is strict because I have no idea how I would've made it through alone. We finally make it to the car and a sigh of relief comes from my lips. Dad looked at me as if I'm not used to the chaos but honestly it's been 2 years, I kind of forgot the life I had here for a while. " Is she serious? " I said as I rolled my eyes. Dad grabbed my shoulder and shook me to snap me out of the attitude but she seriously pisses me off. Why must everything be about getting her name in the media all the damn time? Yea whatever anyway, as we were in the car I took a moment to look at my dad to try to read his expression on being back, and I must say he seemed pretty happy to be back. Weird but okay I guess. Here I am, back at the place that I never thought I would be returning to. Should I have stayed in Fiji with my dad? I mean Fiji was great, why do you want to come back to town where everything was taken from you? 

        As we're driving down the streets of Beverly Hills, I scan the different stores and scenery as if it's my first time being here. I smile as if I'm a kid in a candy shop ready to jump on the opportunity to have a complete candy rush. Dad calls my name and I slammed my back into the seat and look at him waiting for a response. " How you feeling bebe? " he says. I can tell his mood has changed from happy to concerned by asking this question so I answer honestly. " I feel as if the life I ran from is non-existent. " I said. " Like I am a new girl coming here and everything is just so perfect-". In a blink of an eye, feelings start coming back of that night and my candy rush expression turned red. I daydream for a while when dad snaps me back to reality. " Karma?.. Bebe were here " he says with a bit of regret in his voice. As I drive in our grand driveway, I can't help but wonder how Karen has been doing since the divorce. I know, why should I even care about the wicked bitch of the hills, but deep down I do. I also wonder how my best friends Jazlynn and Jace have been doing since I've left, but you'll get to meet them soon. 

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      With the car parked in the driveway, somehow a rush of flashbacks hit me like a complete tsunami and I start to shake. As soon as my Dad notices, he immediately grabs me and says with a smile " I got you, I will always have you, okay?"I couldn't help it this time it's as if my mind wants to protect me but my heart wants to push through. Dad leaves the car to get my luggage and I try to pull myself together. " Karmaa you got this. You are so strong." I said. " Then why don't you feel like it?" I blurted out without even noticing. Dad comes around and asks if I'm okay but of course I lie. " Yea dad, I'm better than okay ". I finally leave the car and all I can do is stare at the outside of the house and admire it and to see how much I've missed it and reminisce on the good memories and I give a long exhale. Dad turns to me and I realize it's about that time where he leaves me and I can't help but get emotional. I give him a big hug and some tears may have touched his shirt. He pulls back and says " I know I can't be here with you, but I'm one phone call away. Ill be staying at grandmas so I will be close, okay?" I can tell by the look on his face he is scared for me but wants to stay strong. "I love you dad, thank you for listening" I respond tearfully. Soon after I hear the front door open and a scream from the voice I've missed the most. " Karmaa ! ".

     I turn sharply from dad to see my baby sister Moira running to me, I instantly smile as I catch her in my arms. " Karmaa! Karmaa! " she screams. I put her down but she still attaches herself to me. " Hi, Moi! I missed you so much." I say happily. Moira then releases from me and runs past me to dad and my heart leaps to see this moment I've been waiting on since I've left. I look back once more and see both Maria and Karen, one happy to see us, and the other- well you get the picture. After dad talks to Moira he walks to the door to greet both of them, but before he can get a word out Karen abruptly interrupts him " Well hello there Matthew, what do you think you're doing, you shouldn't even be on my property at the moment." she says with arrogance. I can't help but make a facial expression to her nonsense. " Good Morning there Karen, I see you haven't had your vodka this morning" he said sarcastically. I let out a little laugh and I get a crazy death stare from Karen, she's quite ridiculous without that vodka. "Anyways it's always great to see you Maria" they then both exchange a hug. " Can't really say the same for you" he looks at Karen. Karen flips her long flowing brown hair and rolls her eyes at him as a response. " Now if you are done with your foolishness, we need to make things perfectly clear while everyone is here, shall we?" Karen says. We all nod just to get this nightmare over with. " First, Matthew you are no longer allowed here-". I couldn't help myself but interrupt her, "Wait what? Why is he being banished, he is still our father even if he doesn't want to be with you." Everyone stops and stares at me for a brief moment with a bit of shock. For a moment I couldn't believe my words especially for someone I was once so close to, but when they have done you wrong those feelings may leave. " Excuse me? this has nothing to do with that tired marriage. So stay in your place, you understand me?" she says aggressively. Dad shoots me a look that says to suck it up and just listen, so I do. "Second, living in this house again things have changed. You will drive me and your sister to both work and school every morning." Moira frowns at the news she hears and I can't help but feel bad. Karen walks down the house stairs to come up to me. " And lastly, you will respect my wishes in my house. Matthew may deal with backtalk, but It will not be tolerated here. Whatever issues you have leave them where you came from because frankly I don't really care about it, got it? " Hearing those words come out of her mouth lit a fire in me that I didn't know I had, she pushed a button that was never done. I was irritated and filled with hate. That isn't me. That isn't the Karmaa everyone is used to, but those to blame will be held accountable sooner rather than later. As she finishes with this terrible thing she calls a speech everyone just agrees to shut her up. As I scanned everyone around me, the different body language spoke for itself. She is one evil bitch, and she will reap what she sow. 

I bet you wondering why deal with any of this but truthfully apart of me came back to get answers but another part of me just wants to come back to see him. Troy. 

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