A Lesson in Obedience

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"Now then, let's see if you're housebroken."

My heart dropped. "W-wait. What do you mean 'housebroken'? I-I don't understand." The Mistress pulled me into the room and slammed the door behind us. The Mistress explained, "Well...if you are going to be my little pet, I need to see what level of training you need, if any." um..."T-training?" She continued, seemingly frustrated with my questions. "Well, why would I invite a dog into my home if he won't listen to his owner?" She has a point...I'm not sure if I liked being compared to a dog though. No, I don't like it at all. "Hey, I'm not your dog!" I exclaimed. I watched her composed face drop in an instant to be replaced by sheer fury. As her huge wings unfurled, the gale from her powerful wings sent me across the room and sliding across the floor. Her voice boomed and echoed in the large room. "Watch your tone, slave!" She started walking towards me, and I just sat there, frozen. "You forget your place. If I wish to compare you to a dog, I will, and if you dare speak to me like that again, you will wish that I had killed you back in that cage. Am I understood?" I nodded quickly. She grabbed my throat in one hand and held me a foot off the ground with eyes so aflame, I could see the red glow on her sleek black horns. I was stuck, staring into her fiery gaze.  "Answer your mistress!" She demanded "Y-yes Mistress!" I yelped. She then lowered me back to the floor, but did not release me. Her nails pressed into my neck. "Aahh m-mis...tress" It hurt at first, but I think it was more from the fear that she was going to kill me. Once the initial scare wore off, it...actually turned me on... I could'nt help but bite my lip. Her head tilted to the side and smirked just enough to catch a glimps of her fangs. And in the moment, I realized that she has four fangs on top, not just two... I...I think I want her to bite me...I'm supposed to be hers anyways, I might as well be marked by her...right?

Wait, What am I thinking!? She could rip my throat out with those things..But the way they'd feel against my neck...Thinking about being bitten with those fangs...Shit! Now I really am aroused. The mistress whispered in my ear, "You're starting to enjoy this aren't you? I knew there was a masochist hiding in there. There is no use hiding it. I can sense your desire... Plus, I can see your boner." She giggled as she threw me to the bed. As I turn to her, she is standing at the edge of the bed, her wings no longer visable. I watched as the little clothing she had on seemed to dizolve away, revealing her sexy breasts. She gave them a squeeze and winked at me. "Now then" She started, "It's time for your obedience training to begin. Now strip for your mistress" "Y-yes mistress" I don't think I have ever been so turned on yet terrified in my life. I dropped all my clothes as quickly as I could, while the Mistress watched with devilish desire in her eyes.

I felt her fangs pierce my neck and I blacked out... As I woke up all I could tell was that my hands and feet were bound.

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